This thread is a place to discuss quests for Infectonator 2. Here is a list of the current quests available for this zombie-spawning game...**NOTE: You must start a new game to get many of these quests.**Quite Impressive. Noob!Complete all challenges on 1st level.Hardness: EasySmall Step to GloryPurchase 10 upgrades.Hardness: EasyTrap or be TrappedUse 3 traps.Hardness: EasyJust Call'em and Watch'emSummon 2 Zombies on 1st level.Hardness: EasyDesert for DessertUnlock the middle-east.Hardness: EasyTowns? What Towns?Destroy 10 towns by completing all objectives.Hardness: MediumClaw that KillsSummon Kruggy.Hardness: MediumAll Out, I Like Your StyleUse 3 different support and 4 zombies on one level.Hardness: MediumC-c-c-combo!Kill 100 police, 100 soldiers, 100 hazmat suit guys, and 2,000 people.Hardness: MediumWhat's Sticky on the Floor?2 goo on 1 level.Hardness: MediumThe Lord of Zombie has Risen!Destroy all the townsHardness: HardNothing To DoGet all in-game achievements.Hardness: HardPower in your VeinsPurchase all game upgrades.Hardness: Hard
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