ForumsNews and FeedbackNew games section of the home page

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6 posts

Hey, guys, is there a way to get the "new games" section to actual display the new games, again?

For right now, it is just pushing popular games, and there are four separate other ways to find popular games throughout the site. There was only one way to find the newest and freshest games on the site, and it is now broken.

  • 15 Replies
11,891 posts

It lists new and popular new games. Less popular ones are taken off and more popular ones stay on longer. It doesn't make as much sense to keep a lowly rated new game on the front page.

If you just want purely chronologically new games, you can check out All Games by date.

6 posts

It is kind of hard to get popular when the site doesn't even let folks know it is here. I just suspected that a section called "new games" would have actual new games instead of Infectinator 2, which has been out for multiple months.

Currently, there is a new game with 0 plays, in the search you just gave me. Had it been in a "new games" section, because, you know, it is a new game, it might actually get someone to play it. Of course, that would be silly, wouldn't it?

4,170 posts

I believe games are displayed on the All page before they're on the homepage. Besides, every new game is shown on the homepage at some time or another. The entire center is devoted to new games.

6 posts

Sil, that is the way the canter section is supposed to work. That is not how it is currently working. That is the issue I was trying to have addressed. Currently the "new section" of the homepage has a game that is almost a year old, simply because Armour added some quests to it. There is the quests section of the page, the quest button, and other ways to show new content on that year old game, but that one, another that is two months old, and other &quotopular" content are now in the new section,while new games are not being featured at all.

Even though there are popular sections in two places on the homepage, and a huge popular section under each category, the "new" section seems to need to serve that function as well. To me, it is annoying, and makes me wonder if I should still support this site that used to be the best place to find new games.

14,745 posts

First of all, let's start by saying that you should continue supporting this great website of course! =)

As for the suggestion you're giving... I'm sure they will probably be re-arranging the homepage in the (maybe/hopefully near) future, to display the newest games separate from the popular/Quest games, but... right now you have to agree that the games that are older, but have now been equipped with Quests, need to have a renewed front page coverage as the Quests system is the future for ArmorGames?!

Just let it ride out for the moment and use the option Gantic gave you to find some of the newest smaller new games that have recently been submitted, but didn't make the cut to get on the homepage section (yet), ok? =)

6 posts

I would agree with the idea the games that now have quests should have some place to be featured. You know, like the section just to the left of the New Games section that should feature new games. The one that is already set up.

Otherwise it may look silly to have games that were recently updated with quests under the new section, were such a section available for such notifications (exactly as it is already).

Look, the quest thing is great, and all. I enjoy the sense of achievement, but the quest system has a big highlighted button that stands out, a recent quest updates section, and news articles in the current events section. Why not let the new games enjoy their one little section, and let quests continue to enjoy all three of those other nice features on the front page?

Otherwise, new games get buried, and the Armor Games becomes nothing but "Hey, play these same old games again, just to get an imaginary cookie."

3,174 posts

Most games that come out don't rate higher than a 7 score. Most the games with quests are high 7, 8, 9, or more. The new game section can hold 12 games. New games don't come out that often. It usually like 2 to 4 a week. Sometimes less. Games getting updated to have quests usually only takes place once a week or less and it's usually only one or two games at a time. There is an all button that allows you to see all the games in chronological order.

I don't see the big deal with having the games that people actually want to play stay on the front page longer than normal or having old games be put back on the front page after being updated to have quests. Should Armorgames not put a 9 rated quest game on the front page in order to save room for a game rated with a 5? That makes litle sense to me.

Also, the quest button adds more clicks between you and the game. One click on the quest button and one click on the quest that corresponds with the game. The latest quests section (on the front page) is a direct link, but you have to hover to see what the game is and this section can only hold one game at a time. So why not advertise the games with quests by putting them were they will be seen the most on the new games section?

6 posts

I guess the reason you would not put an 11 month old game in the new games section is the fact that it is not a new game.

I really don't see why that is so hard to understand. If it isn't "new" it should not be listed as "new."

If the new quest section is hard to use, why not make that section "Games with recently added quests" with a thumbnail for the actual game (so you can list more than one game at a time in that section, and you can see what the new quests are when you go to the game page (which shows you whether or not you have completed all quests for the game anyway). After all, it is not as if the "recent quests" area actually shows whether or not you have completed those quests, and never shows if more than one game has new quests in the same week.

So, the reason not to advertise old games in the new games section, after they have updates is that there are other ways to see and show what has been updated in a section that could use improvement (even by your definition), and leave sections that used to work well alone.

3,174 posts

Well, I can see were you're coming from. They could add a "Recent Games with Quests Section" under the new games section. But, I would say it's human laziness that prevents users from doing extra scrolling and clicking. So even with a "Recent Games with Quests Section" user may still not see it as much if it were under the New Game section. Idk, just my thought. It may be changed in the future it may not, I have no idea lol.

3,660 posts

As we have seen in some previews for how they would change the homepage lay out already, if they do this then this will all be irrelevant. I don't see the big deal of adding 1 game that has new quests but is kind of old to the new games section, plain and simple.

I have no problem with it, you shouldn't either, just go on with your day and if you want to play some new games that you have seen but aren't on the new games section go to the link provided or just click the all 'genre'.

You've been told by various people already that it really doesn't matter, so I'm going to be the *** and tell you to get over it n.n

6 posts

When you say "we" do you have a mouse in your pocket? I haven't seen anything, nor do I follow the site enough to know every detail about the future. I come here (often) to play new games, select my own favorites (not what other people have rated good), and play something different than I have for the last year or so.

When I beat a game, I don't want to play it 100 more times (with a very rare exception). I am not here to read up on everything that comes down the pipe. I just want to play games and relax. I came here to try to express that sentiment, and say that I might have to start going to some other agitator that actually has a bigger focus on ease of use than some badge collecting club.

Armor benefits from my presence (when I click through an ad, or buy premium content). I could just as easily take it elsewhere, but I felt a sense of loyalty to what was my favorite game site.

I had never posted before, because nothing on the site bugged me previously. I thought feedback would be helpful, because how many links to Sinjid does the home page need? Two weeks ago it was literally 8 on there. How many front page links does Infectinator 2 need? Last week it was 8.

So, "everyone else" (5 forum jockeys, two of which are mods, and thus site cheerleaders by default) tell me that everything makes sense at armor games, and you yourself feel so strongly about it, that you want to curse at a guy that only had a small issue, that on paper is completely legitimate.

Well, with that type of attitude, from you specifically sourwhatup2, I guess Armor can go and do what it wants, because I no longer feel the need to financially support the site.

So, thank you for your clear cut analysis and your representation of the community. It shows that there are better places for me to be than here.

3,174 posts

Whoa, I get what you're saying. The latest quest section (the box that has the link to six of the latest quests) could highlight one different quest from six different games. And then the highest rated games are already on the side of the main page. So Sinjid is on the front page for a long time already because it's in the popular games section, as well as was Infectonator 2 (I think).

It is redundant and the latest quests box should showcase more than one game. But, I feel that popular games stay longer in the new games section and old quest games return there because most people are probably to lazy to look to the side of the page or scroll down. So it still makes sense to me to put those games there. Why not showcase them as much as possible?

It can be organized better, but it's a really small issues. Is clicking the all games button so difficult? So difficult to make you leave the site? It's one click. You can scroll pages and pages of the new games in chronological order.

And why leave the site and get so worked up over such a small issue, you even said so yourself.

...and you yourself feel so strongly about it, that you want to curse at a guy that only had a small issue..

Why leave the site when you can join multiple sites. You would get the most variety of games that way. You would have access to all the exclusive games and you would see new releases sooner on one site before they are released to others (as often one flash gaming site will release a game before the others).
5 posts

The factor that new games get pushed off may be a little bit of a rush though. Many games ratings can vary 50 points within its first two weeks. If it was just bumped off the list right away because of an early drop from the more hard core flash gamers voting it low (the ones who visit the site more often). It really doesn't give every new game a chance. There are some very great games under those piles and piles of promoted games and MMORPGs (Wartune, etc.).

3,660 posts

Well, with that type of attitude, from you specifically sourwhatup2, I guess Armor can go and do what it wants, because I no longer feel the need to financially support the site.

All I said was that it isn't a big deal that's it. Don't turn my attitude towards you a problem as well. If you want to leave then leave.

Now you could always just stay here and join other sites as well, it's not difficult. Some sites have games that don't come out on here because AG is pretty exclusive when it comes to games. By exclusive I mean they usually only put out a few games a week.

Anyways if you think my attitude is rash, don't go onto other forums because my attitude is pretty small compared to others on the internet... Besides I'm usually not like this but sometimes people just need to be told straight up about things and I'm a person that does that even if it has to be a little rough around the edges.

Is clicking the all games button so difficult? So difficult to make you leave the site? It's one click. You can scroll pages and pages of the new games in chronological order.


that you want to curse at a guy that only had a small issue

Who has done this? Everyone is trying to explain to you that it isn't a big deal, that's it. We aren't flaming you or trolling you. We aren't insulting you. Anything else that could potentially ''curse'' you.
14,745 posts

It didn't get that far yet... but let us try to keep this discussion going without resulting into flaming at one-another, ok? And I'm ignoring your attempts to picture us (the moderators) as some sort of 'website cheerleader persons' here, because we (staff, mod team and users) all want to have every user stay as a member and enjoy, and contribute to, this website and it's community. =)

Let's also make one thing clear here... users suggesting features for, or alterations to, this website is something that is actually valued and always welcomed by the ArmorGames staff, I can vouch for that.
But... we all DO need to understand that whenever something is suggested (no matter how good that suggestion is) this can not be implemented to the website straight away simply because one or more users suggested it... and making pressurizing statements that "you will then leave and take your beneficial presence, and financial support, elsewhere" won't persuade the staff to go ahead and rush to quickly edit the homepage either.

ArmorGames is currently in a constant process of enhancing it's presence, upgrading it's appearance and improvement of the experience, and enjoyability, of Flash gaming.
If you making this suggestion, which resulted in a small discussion, is grounds enough for you to leave ArmorGames behind and play Flash Games on another website, then I am truly sorry to see you leave, but I do hope you will reconsider and stay to follow the ongoing development and upgrading of the website. =)

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