You can look at my profile if you want to see the appearance of it.
But I like keeping my profile pretty short. It is getting a little long because of the 2 Jennifer Lawrence things and the flag counter but if it gets too out of hand I will clean it up. It really bugs me when people have super long profiles unless it is information about themselves or something.
The first line of text and the add/remove friend (you'll only see the remove friend button if you're awesome) don't get mixed up because my first line is a little low. Then I have a link to a screenshot of some lengthy writing for efficiency. After that is a little tip for the Spanish speakers, which is something I still have to screenshot and condense. At the bottom I have a phrase that I change weekly that reflects my mood. Oh, and the entire thing is divided by hr tags in case you were wondering.
In the top right you'll see My user name, armater, and contact information.
On the right there's probably going to be ***.
And in the middle there's my bio. On the top it has my info(although I should update it). A little down it has the main crews that I'm in. A little bit lower and you'll find a song. Nothing special just a song.
And on the bottom you'll see my quests that I've successfully earned. A little lower will be my messenger. And on the right will be my friends.
My profile has been the same way for about four(?) years now. I just like the way it's divided up by two sets broken lines instead of straight lines all the way across or one set of broken lines like it used to be.
I meant that to be ads*. I just missed the d.
To be fair, some of the ads have the other thing too.
It's not exactly the same, but it's still pretty much the same way it's been for years give or take a few sections. Originally used to be STUFF and LINKS. Other sections got added or lost along the way.
Acctually I've stumbled apon a site today, you can make your own pokemon cards and I'm planning on making my own and pasting it onto my profile. Its pretty cool.
My profile is crummy... Before, my profile was awesome. Took me about 4 months to perfect it, then the stupid profile glitch showed up and ruined it... I almost cried when that happened.
Hmm, well I haven't read anything else here but... My profile has always been short and organized.
When I came back I learned that HTML was added onto the abouts. I started messing around with it and I redesigned my profile. It's a little longer than it used to be but it's very organized in my opinion. You know what is what and there is no eye straining xD.
For me I hate those long eye sore profiles. I really detest them. Even though friends have them. Everyone is different though. I just cannot tell what is what in some profiles. And now with the HTML thing there are pictures and stuff and it's even worse.