ForumsThe TavernDark Bible Clan

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Hello, i just made a new clan called Dark bible , hey, if everyone else does it, why cant I!

If you want to join please send me a message or reply here!

Heres the leader rank

Dark Bible Clan Ranks

0-100AP - Slave -
100-300AP - Newcomer -
400-700AP - Understander -
700-1000AP - Monk -
1000-1650AP - Priest -
1650-2300AP - No'Men -
2300-2700AP - Beast -
2700-3500AP - Christian -
3500-3780AP - Yellow Blooded -
3780-4000AP - Red Blooded -
4000-4200AP - Red Blooded -
4200-4500AP - Necromancer -
4500-4789AP - Vampire -
4789-5200AP - Assassin -
5200-5700AP - Understanders Ruler -
5700-6000AP - WIzards slave -
6000-6200AP - Wizards Friend -
6200-6340AP - Non Believer -
6340-7000AP - Devils Ruler
7000-7500AP - Master -
7500-8200AP - Brother of sins -
8200-8900AP - Holy one -
8900-9700AP - Foo -
9700-10999AP - Mastermind -
10999-12000AP - Ruler -
12000-15000AP - King of the Bible -
15000-20000AP - Mind Of the souls -
When ever you have passed you're old rank, Tell me so I can change it.

Danstanta (Leader) - Brother of Sins -
baseballfamer123 - Brother of Sins -


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