Hello.I would like to ask about,which programming language is good for someone that starts from zero and to learn the basics .Please post your suggestion and why you suggest the specific language. Thank You!!!
Python is awesome! I'd suggest starting with Learn Python the Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw, Think Python by Allen B. Downey, and the Python Tutorial. All of the above are free and very well done. You can also purchase a physical copy of Think Python and Zed Shaw offers a udemy class of Python the Hard Way for something like $50USD.
If you want to learn absolute basics and just get a feel for languages in general you can try HTML or CSS. They are both very useful and much simpler than the other languages. The downside is that there is no immediate satisfaction to using any of the code you make. I personally am not very good at any language but I know the basics of all of them. (I get bored of a language very easily)
I recommend this site for any of the languages they have. If you find HTML boring, try their javscript course.
I spent about a week messing with CSS, then I messed with some of the C variants. By then I felt like I had enough knowledge of coding to learn AS3 and Python, though I've heard most people go straight from CSS to AS3/Python because they're so easy to learn.
You can start with any language, really. There are a few basic concepts that are common among most programming languages. What you should stay away from, as a beginner, would be specific language types, like a logic programming language (prolog) or functional (haskel). Not to say you shouldn't learn these, you definitely should some day, when you are comfortable with a more common language.
If your interest is making games, AS3 would be fine to start with. Both AS3 and Javascript come from Ecmascript, so learning AS3 will give you a headstart in Javascript (and vice versa).
Python is a good choice too, fun and elegant.
HTML&CSS aren't really languages at all, so I'd ignore those unless you are interested in web development. And if you are, then I'd start with PHP or C#.
Good languages that will definitely make you robust would be C, C++, or Java. If you want to make Mobile games, Java is a good choice, since that is what you will use in creating Android applications. C (and Objective-C) are what iOS/Iphone apps are made with.
Stencyl, the one I use, is a flexible, 100% free game creator which combines Flixel's block-based format and, for more experienced developers (not me) the standard ActionScript code interface. You can also download scripts, sprites, fonts, audio and distribute your games through the Forge before releasing them to pro sites like AG or Kong. I think it's great for people who are new to code.
You shouldn't start with a simple game maker beucase you must learn code to do that. If you want better games you would have to learn a whole new coding sytem.