Well I was watching a TV show in The National Geographic Channel and it was about people trying to prove if Spontaneous Human Combustion is Real or Not and to tell you the truth I think it's fake, people suddenly bursting into flames for no reason it's all fake well that's just what I think.
It might be possible, but I think they could prove it somehow scientifically by now. If you got a proper mixture of chemicals from different foods or medicines, they could possibly react causing an explosion and/ or heat and fire. But It seems that at this time someone would be able to say ya it can happen, but no one has. And for the guy that said he wants to see someone combust: why??? Why would you want to see that? Would you find in enjoyable to watch a person doused in gasoline and lit on fire? Same thing. I would not want to see a person burn to death, it would probably be the most horrible, grotesque thing imaginable.
Its probably not, but then again, theres that little weird fact that if you fart for 6 years straight, you would have produced enough methane to power a nuclear bomb. So if some people have an extra gas pocket in their intestine, (maybe a genetic mutation) they could potentially gather enough methane to spontaneously combust. But no one could prove this if it was true because they couldn't perform an autopsy too prove it!!!
Hmmm lets break it down here human are made of 90% water and don't combust naturally. They just get burned its kinda like a water ballon catching on fire. Not gonna happen unless there isn't water on the inside or outside of it.
if for some reason (this is possible keep in mind) that a vacuum erupts somewhere inside a living, sentient being (humans and animals, not plants), there is a chance that for the briefest of time segments that there can be a flame before the vacuum sucks all the air, providing of course that there is an ignition source.
I use spontanious combustion as a joke, mainly because I think it will never happen.
I agree. I remember in one Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, Calvin pops a bag and pretends to spontaniously combust in order to scare his dad I think it will never happen.
I dont actually think it is possible........what exactly would make the person spontaneously combustible in the first place? Maybe C4 or some explosive I could believe, but people???