Hi there, for the past 3 days or so Mini Heroes have had config loaded. issues and a maintenance period. The first problem that occurred was config loaded. became noticeable on the 9th and I think it was on that night or in the morning that the game finally got a maintenance message. I come on today at 9:42am England time to see the game is back up but the config loaded. is still not allowing people to play. There is a lot of concern about when can we get on and premium paid items such as the plants which will now most likely be dead, will we get a refund for that? Can some one please here at Armorgames get in contact with the devs of that game as they have yet to reply / provide a status update from their sites (facebook and Twitter).
Hi i am from England too and i think it started in the morning because at that time i was able to get in the game and go to friends homes and stuff but not out and in the cave for some time and i was not able to water my plants and harvest them too did this happen before ?? how long did it take last time ??
@Simon when this whole thing began from those dates I didn't experience any of that, I managed to water my plants and play for like 10 minutes before heading to bed early hours of the morning, then when I tried to play again it had the config issue before stating maintenance. Yet you are not the only one with that issue, I kept seeing that under the comments and it has been an issue before all this as well it seems because I noticed that sort of thing being said on their FB page and a forum thread that I saw some where.
Thanks Ferret you probably kicked start Likwid into doing something, things have been picking up but they still aren't working and could do better. But thank you for helping out, I just hope things will be resolved asap.
I'm going to list everything that I know of here. The game loads fine and such but we have these problems.
Issues ------------ - Players are stuck in their Garden - Any action freezes the character (apart from moving around and selecting players / in game icons, such as invent etc) - Players were only able to get to the town if a friend had invited them to that zone, but, with things still freezing we can't do anything. However, the friend that Invited me into the town zone was able to chop 1 tree at a time when entering the dungeon zones, after every action he asked for a room invite to get back to town and repeat the process. - I don't think any battles can occur apart from duels - Can't enter any other zone such as the shops once in town, only accessible ones are an invite to town and then the dungeon zones from there. - Talking to an npc in the town will teleport you back home, this only happened once with the dungeon keeper. - When watering plants some players character ran away quickly, turned around, neared the plant again but then they freeze instead of watering. Same thing occurs while planting seeds.
I think I put down everything that I know / seen. I will send you an email and will put this on the forum thread I made for the mini heroes forums liked above.