I'm a really active legacy of heroes player, i even spend some money on the game. After 5 months I'm playin it i found out that on another platform there is better rewards at the same price.... I was wondering how is it possible? Can't the Armor Games player have at least the same purchase condition?!
Well on Kongregate is 1150 kreds for 100 $.... so 2300 kreds for 200$... 2000 kreds are 2425 LC+ 200 kreds (225LC)+ 100 kreds (110LC) total = 2760... while on AG is (i pay in euro so 150 euro that is 200$) 200$ for 2425LC... 335 LC less... if i have to get by purchasing those 335 i have to spend 30$ to get those 335LC... Well everytime i purchase 200$ I lose 30$....
So the situation at hand is because Kongregate has a money system that we don't have in place. They are likely eating a bit of the cost themselves, but making it up on users purchasing Kreds.
That being said, we can't match that price. Sorry superbidou!
I am also a LoH player suffering a similar problem!!! I simply want to transfer my account to my FB profile!!! Currently, the Devs have only offered "this is currently not an option" in response to AG allowing profile transfers. I am (and have been for the majority of my teenage life) a loyal AG player! I check the site daily and try and play all the games! I would love to switch my profile over! Is this at all possible? If so, can you tell us why you wouldn't in the past? If not, can describe what is holding AG back from allowing this?