ForumsForum GamesGround Zero II KICKSTARTER Thread

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Please read this carefully if you want to participate:

Hey everyone, you might know me as the host for Ground Zero. If not then let me explain a little. I have been running Ground Zero for a while; itâs a popular RPG/Tournament here. Currently I have only 6 players but it originally started with 10. Most of the people either left, died or they were disqualified.

Now, I am making this thread so I can start building onto Ground Zero II. Currently it has no sub-name but I am planning on giving it one. I need everyoneâs opinions and suggestions on what I should do or what you would like to see in the next GZ.

See, throughout the hosting of Ground Zero I ran through several problems of consistency and keeping track of hunger, thirst, hp, items, etc. So towards the end of GZ I started to fix things a bit. I removed hunger and thirst. I fixed the weapons up a bit to make it a bit less cluttered. Currently Iâm trying to think of what I can add or take off of the character sheet, Iâll be putting that later in this post.


What Iâll include into what you guys can put your ideas into:
~And more

I want all the suggestions I can get⦠Obviously I wonât be adding every single one and I canât because obviously not every idea is full proof but I know that the community here is pretty awesome and that everyone does have great ideas.

Okay this is the last thing Iâm going to talk about; please do not try and tell me how to make the game. Please do not suggest anything stupid or not relative to the RPG itself and anything that is exaggerated I will ignore completely.


Character Sheet:


If you think I should shorten this up a bit feel free to tell me. If you want to add anything to it then suggest it to me.


Possible locations where the tournament will be held and where the sign ups will be held:

Tournament: Russia, In the Pacific Ocean, Unknown, Australia, Brazil, Hawaii, Alaska.
Sign-ups: Moscow, Hawaii, Sydney, Rome, Tokyo.

Currently that's all I can think of, I'll be adding things along the way here. Any players who participated in GZI please help here, it's practically mandatory that you do so xD. Thanks.

-Idea for making this was from MattEmAngel, he personally told me I should make one and considering he plays in Ground Zero I decided to listen to him-

  • 44 Replies
3,660 posts

I think that the only ones that would work would be the shipwreck and the cavern. The others I'm not so sure... especially the nuclear testing site, there would be no point of that being there. :P

4,710 posts

walking sharks!

land sharks...they can walk/float on land...

why not an arena on a big island so we have to find a boat if we want to leave?

plasma weapons? plasma/laser sword/axe/whip/shield! the possibilities!

you want weapon ideas? here are some!

elemental weapons/ glove (can shoot/throw fire balls, can create a fire sword), lightning glove (can shoot lightning), quake hammer (can cause earthquakes), laser googles (let you shoot laser beams), ice glove (shoots sharp ice shards, can create an ice blade), shadow cloak (turns you invisible), anti-gravity belt (lets you float and double/triple jump), uni-googles (night-vision, heat-vision and maybe x-ray), tornado glove (creates tornados)...i give you more when i have more.

for the enemies...cyber-animals, robots, robot animals, gene-manipulated plants, gene-manipulated animals, people in battle-suits...elemental enemies (chemical experiments gone bad or so) like an acidic blob...

also: battle suits, jetpacks, flamethrowers, dart shooters (maybe with poison), tranquilizer guns, something to breath underwater, shock grenades, mines...adamantium-claw glove (like wolverine but as a glove)...plasma-glove (can shoot plasma)...

plasma-suit...think about it. also, a robotic ally like a flying drone with a plasma rifle or so...

Moon in Unknown Area

moon base with only one rocket back to earth. the best part: the rocket has only enough place for one person.

The computer slots that Matt mentioned might be added but I'll have to see, so far that's something that is new to the RPG and these are the types of things I'm looking for.

two slots in the chest, one in each leg and one in each arm so we need two chips to get the full bonus. also, we could then mix two different kinds of chips like agility and speed but the bonus would be only x0.5 percent. now if we use two speed chips, then the boost is x1.0 or x2.0 percent. also, we can only put the speed and agility chips in our legs, stamina and strenght in our arms and other two only in our chest so we could not use six speed chips (or other same six chips)
4,710 posts

just posting some stuff. i know that i posted the same on your profile but since this is the kickstarter thread...

xAyjAy says:

Posted at 2:12pm on 1/28/2013

hey, what about a weapon or an item that requires agility (like a rapier or so) and something like that for the other athletic abilities?

what about mutations through cyberlimbs? we could get cyber legs to run faster and/or to jump higher, cyber arms with integrated weapons (like barret from ff7) or a cyber eye to see in the dark (like a cat or night vision) and/or to see further (like an eagle).

also, if you want to add elements (not like a flamethrower or a taser/taser-sword) then i have some ideas a glove that generates throwable fire balls/lightning bolts...or a suit that generates a weak force field...

xAyjAy says:

Posted at 3:38pm on 1/27/2013

also, a way to get a third athletic ability (like sprinting shoes or power gloves or so) would be nice. the bad thing would be that we can lose that third ability when we lose that item or when it gets destroyed. and we can only use one of these items so we have to decide which we will use when we find two or more (assuming we can loot the enemies...).

would be nice if we could get a third ability by using a chip so that there are not only boosting chips but also some who give us new knowledge/abilities.
3,660 posts

Okay so the whole chips thing.. I don't want to take it overboard okay guys. Let's try and keep it as simple as possible. So okay the 2 chips that handle strength, endurance, etc... I'll put that. The prime chip is something I'd have to think about.

The problem with the prime chip is that we are already heading way too much out into the sci-fi world and I don't necessarily want to do that... Although if I wanted to take the risk I would.

I still want to be able to keep the weapons like Katanas and crossbows and make them so that they aren't completely useless against people who have like 2 chips of strength, extremely thick plasma body armor and some double flamed shuriken launchers. xD Just as an example anyways.

I didn't go completely through everything, I will later though.

3,660 posts

I said Alteration, not distortion. It can change reality.

Oh gosh.. that sounds like it would cause a lot of problems. Especially since I hate the whole confusion and paradox thing.
3,660 posts

Paradoxes are only cause by Time travel. By altering it reality, it changes what's there, what isn't there. Although it has a pretty long recharge rate.

Yes I know. I was just giving an example. I don't know about this altering reality. Also how would they control it? It seems like some type of super power and there aren't really any in here.
4,710 posts

Yes I know. I was just giving an example. I don't know about this altering reality. Also how would they control it? It seems like some type of super power and there aren't really any in here.

that would be like shape-shifting into a bear or changing some coal into a diamond sword or something else.
1,255 posts

i read a bit and i wanted to say something : well the thing is ... if we are gonna have katanas ... crossbows... shurikens...swords...and... they are not normal i guess i mean they are enchanted with i dont know ... aha ! like : electrical charges i mean if we hit someone not only they bleed they will get shocked by electricity ... and there could be tons of other enchantments, and by the way if the sword is from iron ir will suck !! it needs to be from titanium or something strong cause in this age i guess if someone has i dont know like : super motherF god power sh... armor i dont think a katana would be enough (at least a iron one) so i guess we need these enchantments
oh i would like to see shurikens to have explosives on them after they cut enemies body and stick in it they explode or crosbows have high voltage arrows they go trough the body and the guy just gets burned !! i mean we could have tons of creativity ! and i would die to see a hologhraphic luncher a copy of us (holographic) than the enemy lunchs for that and bang a trap or we kill him from behind there should be drugs to ... (no i am not an addict :P and i havnt done drugs) i mean if we could add high powered drugs we can like boost status for short period of time than cause the drug is dangoures it weakens us for a period of time to example : drug one eat it and have 120 health instead of 100 for 2 posts ! after 2 posts have 80 health instead of 100 for 3 posts (maximum health i am speaking) they would be good if we need a little more power for short time and a question : do we have sponcers or something ?

3,660 posts

Gear [0/10]: (It should be limited to 10 or 15 items, I would say. Unused weapons and armor go here, to be swapped at the player's discretion)

Basically the backpack... I'll probably differ the amount depending on different things.

Kills: 0 (Other players that you have killed go here)

Frags, already had it as that

Previous Contender: (remember you added this to the first game)


5. No sponsors. The tournament is volunteer-based (the first one was, anyway), so I don't think we're going to get external support, although it may be worth considering.

Though I do mention sponsers in GZI.. But yeah no other players playing as sponsers.. Heck no. Mostly I'll just say.. ''Oh it must have been a gift from your sponser or something.''

:P Tired as heck, going to bed
3,660 posts

.So...the rest of my proposed player sheet passed inspection? The Prime Chip idea was still pending, so if you want to tweak it, be my guest.

Not completely but I am strongly considering it... Just expect something at least similar to that in the actual RPG.
4,710 posts

or we could add special shoes that make you faster, let you jump higher and increase your reflexes. or gloves that make you stronger so you can lift big rocks or destroy rocks by punching them. and an armor that makes you tougher and increases your stamina.

4,710 posts

never played CoD, but we could add some traps for the players too. like a net-shooter or so.

3,660 posts

I'll open the comment section if you want but there is no point. Just post here if you have anything to say. I'll also be seeing if anyone wants to take over GZII.

In the meantime, I'm going to try and finish Ground Zero I starting tomorrow, and then I'll officially leave. :P

1,266 posts

How about a space station? And some poison dumdums! Have different ammo types for each caliber, like:
Normal - ALL GUNS
Explosive - HEAVY GUNS
And some more weapons:
EM Rifle - No damage, but completely disables electronics and can de-activate chips. A potent weapon to have on a team.
Laser Rifle/Pistol - Slow, burning damage. Fire weapon.
Chem Gun - Uses very rare chemical tanks (of various types) to kill the enemy.
Electric weapons should use power packs. There could be chargers around the map.

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