Hey, guys. I was wondering how you can view the entire wallpaper banners (possibly in a new tab) that are in the background of Armor Games. My computer screen doesn't display all of the screen sometimes because it only displays around 1,280 x 768 pixels, so I only see a little strip of them. Thanks.
Well maybe if Ferret listened to some of my comments we would not be having this discussion. But to answer your question, no. There is no way to unlock anymore. I highly doubt anymore will be made either. Most of the stuff at the bottom of AG people do not even know about and when I have tried to get answers about them it has failed.
Well ummm. Didn't really answer the question there. Don't know what I was thinking. I believe that those are the actual sizes. When put on a site they would just show up and if clicked on would direct you to AG. So I don't think there are bigger sizes.
As Jeol said, he means the side banners. I don't know how no one understands that.
@Scorpiany, trying zooming out. Depending on your browser/computer type, there may be options in the lower right, or hold control and scroll back on the mouse wheel.
Game wallpaper banners on the sides it is... Zoom out on your screen and you will see them, by pressing 'Ctrl' with '0', depending on your browser type of course. =)
It also depends on the size of your computer screen. When I use my computer screen (20" I think) it doesn't show these banners but when I use my dad's computer (24" all these banners are visible.