ForumsNews and FeedbackAG+Movies=?

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I have always wanted to see AG have a movies category next to the adventure and action games and have a movies category be one of them. So you know how we can post games on AG I thought it would be a good idea for AG to allow players to post movies or a internet TV series on the website. I think it would be a great addition to AG and maby if this forum got popular enough AG could make it happen. What do you guys think?

  • 7 Replies
14,745 posts

Change the equation a little and you will have a clear answer... =)

AG + (Movies = Open door to profanity) = Nope

I visit Newgrounds sometimes, a website that has this featured, and seeing adult content on an open source website raises the hair in the back of my neck. Personally, I wouldn't want children who come to play free online games, to stumble upon videos/movies with explicit content while they're not expecting this...

3,174 posts

I'd have to agree with MrDayCee. Plus if you want to showcase your own art there is always the Art, Music, and Writing section. If you happen to make movies/flash animation or what not you can always link to where you have uploaded them. (Just remember to stay age appropriate and the likes).

15,595 posts

AG + (Movies = Open door to profanity) = Nope

AG + threads/comments/etc is already an open door to profanity, but it doesn't happen that often and if it does then the mods take care of it. I don't see movies causing any major problems. NewGrounds is a poor comparison as well, they allow that kind of stuff. Plus it's not a surprise if you happen to find it; they separate the sections so that if you're looking for something funny but not explicit, you won't see the explicit things. You'll only see the explicit content if you actually search for it. AG could also make the movies having to be reviewed before being fully submitted, like the games.
9,808 posts

On the other hand..this is a flash game site..that was designed to feature flash games. Having movies would just through that feature into a, it is not really necessary. If you want to watch a can always go to Youtube

3,152 posts

On the other hand..this is a flash game site..that was designed to feature flash games. Having movies would just through that feature into a, it is not really necessary. If you want to watch a can always go to Youtube

I heartily agree. Adding such a section would lower AG to the standards of Newgrounds and the like.

Like pang said, you can always go to YouTube.
15,595 posts

Adding such a section would lower AG to the standards of Newgrounds and the like.

What? It wouldn't lower anything, it'd just add a section where people could share their animations better.
Plus if you want to showcase your own art there is always the Art, Music, and Writing section.

There's also this, but I still think a section dedicated to that kind of stuff would be better. After browsing NG for a little bit they do have an Artists section of the forum with subforums where you can post animation / art / audio / writing / collaboration, then they have links at the top of the site for movies / audio / art to see the individual things, it just looks more organized/professional and it's a better way to share those things. With only a thread you have the clutter of other forum posts that aren't art related and threads are likely to get lost if people don't post in them, while having those dedicated sections you see the thumbnail, title, and genre, and only art. No unnecessary clutter. Sort of like having a mini-deviantart on the site.
15,595 posts

It wouldn't lower anything

What I mean is, if they add a new section that doesn't automatically mean the site is going to get worse or it's going to be flooded with inappropriate things. Look at the forum for example, it doesn't happen here too much, so you probably don't have to worry about it happening there if such a section is added.

I actually think NG did well with the art sections. When you click on them you can separate them by genre, date added, views/score/etc, then you can change the age rating. They have E, T, M, and X. Of course AG probably wouldn't have M or X, it'd probably just be E and T combined since you have to be at least 13 to have an account here and there are rules against posting "adult" content.
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