I've decided to create this thread to unite the Magic players that visit Armor Games. Maybe tell us about how you got into the game or what strategies you like.
I've started playing in November, after a friend introduced me to it. (The funny thing is he literally started getting into it the day before.) I went to a nearby K-Mart and they had a Scars of Mirrodin deck (Myr of Mirrodin), for some reason. I currently use a slightly modified version of Boros Batallion.
are you talking about the card game or the video games? i never played the video games but i have some friends that were into it years ago and they have a ****load of cards now in total over 50 decks. i got 4 myself. i made them and they said i could have them. xD and every deck has it's own strategy. some decks never win, but they are horrible to play against. some are near unbeatable. like a destroy land deck. or remove from library deck. and the take over deck or search library deck. my favorite game mode is 3vs3Emperor. it's what we play most when we play for a night.
I was talking more about the card game, but the video games count too (I wasn't sure where to put this, to be honest...)
I usually play either 1vs1, or in a free-for-all with my brother and my friend. I've been planning out a Standard format deck revolving around Angels and an Extended format Artifact deck.
yea well we didn't buy cards for the last few year. so i'm not into the new stuff, i heard it is waaayyy to much overpowered compared to the old standard. we have so much of the old cards and if we buy new cards then all those old cards have no chance anymore. we are not going to walk in that trap. =P
i got a ogre-demon deck (black). a counter target ..... deck (blue/white). a goblin-beast (blast) deck (red/green) and a flying beasts deck (green/blue/red).
the more people the more fun it is. doing tournaments and nation wars games are just great fun. the last few year we are left whit 10 or so people when we do a magic night. so we can't really do that anymore. but still emperor is also allot fun.
Do you know what phasing is, because I have no idea.
Basically, permanents with phasing are only in play about half the time. Before your permanents untap on your turn, all your permanents with phasing go to the phased-out zone and, at the same time, all cards in the phased-out zone that you controlled when they phased out come back into play. They count as the same permanents they were before. They don't trigger comes-into-play or leaves-play abilities. "As this comes into play" and "This comes into play with" abilities don't work either. (The rules used to say that a permanent phasing out triggers leaves-play abilities, but this is no longer the case.) source and more detailed explanation.
Uh-oh. We can't stop here. This is thragtusk country!
This belongs in the Tavern, by tradition. Board games and card games have been previously discussed there.
At any rate, yeah I play Magic. I play ****loads. There's a pretty big scene at college. We've been playing loads of limited since RTR block came out. I have run four drafts, two RTR and two Gatecrash. I'm going to be running Dragon's Maze when that comes out.
Besides that, we play a lot of casual. Multiplayer is popular, but I don't really like multiplayer except Emperor 3v3 is okay.
In terms of decks, I basically mooch off of a friend: we share cards but they're mostly his.He's been into it longer. I've had a great hand in developing many of his decks.
We're both Johnnys, so his decks tend to be fun combo things. For the most part, we roll the rest of the college metagame so there's that. My favorite of his decks/my decks/whatever are a blue/white human rise deck, in which you mill yourself a crapload and use unburial rites on Angel of Glory's Rise, "The Best Deck" which is a pointless 5 color singleton deck which runs all foil unhinged land as its basic lands, and the trolltastic white control deck.
Our next goal is to create a Tolarian Academy deck which will win on turn 1 almost all the time.
Well anyway, I've blabbed on long enough. I'm going to try to be constructive and give this thread some structure.
*What do you play? What formats do you like? What kind of decks do you run? This seems to be the default question, but I'm interested in what kind of elaboration people might provide.
*Anyone care to share decklists? In case you don't know about it, Tappedout has a really good deck builder. If anyone's interested, it would be cool to share decks and offer each other tips.
*What do you like about Magic: The Gathering? What makes you enjoy the game? Is it the art? The strategy? The color pie philosophy? The setting/flavor? Something else? Are you Johnny, Timmy or Spike? Any Vorthos in the crowd? Who's your favorite artist? What's your favorite block? You get the idea.
Just some possible topics of conversation in case anyone feels so inclined. I'd answer the questions myself, but I really want to know what you think.
never heard of this befor. because... well it has nothing do whit the game really. but after reading the page i have to say i'm a timmy/uber johnny
i like to play the game for the good time that i have whit my friends. and i love to make decks that you wont see every day. they might not always work perfectly or beat every enemy. but they sure are funny and different from your average game of magic. beating people in a unexpected way is 1 of the most funny things in magic.
I've decided to create this thread to unite the Magic players that visit Armor Games. Maybe tell us about how you got into the game or what strategies you like.
my dad played it, my mom played it and so we (my brother and me) got some old cards and started playing it.
i have enough cards to play each color. but i have not played magic the gathering for some years. not enough people who want to play it..and i have not a driver license either...