Alright for everyone who is using IE(Internet Explorer) to play this game and having problems with the "connecting to armor games" screen... After some toying around I figured out the problem...
If you recently updated to IE 10, you need to revert back to IE 9... How to do this is.. go to control panel, if you are in icon view, click on "Programs and Features", or if in category view, click on "Unistall program".. On the left side of the screen click on "View installed updates", then scroll down until you find Internet Explorer 10, select it then uninstall it.. restart your computer and it should start working again when you come back to Armor Games.. Hope this helps anyone with this problem
Apprently so, I updated to IE10 on March 28th, and that's about the time I started to notice that I was unable to play. At first I thought it may have had something to do with the game itself, then I tried to play with Firefox and was able to... At that point I knew that it had to be something with IE itself, so I went back and reverted back to IE9, and that fixed the problem immediately.
It appears the 'Compatbility View' may be the issue with IE10. I've tried this and it worked for me. To disable Compatibility View:
1) Uncheck: Tools -> Compatibility View
2) Click: Tools -> Developer Tools - A window should appear at the bottom. At the top of this window, click 'Browser Mode: IE10 Compatibility View', then select 'Internet Explorer 10'