Mine doesn't start for another few weeks. Next Friday I'm flying to Mexico, where I'll be for about 13 days, but I don't have great expectations for this trip since I'm going with my family and I don't care for family vacations.
Well...mine was a whopping 5 days..counting the weekend. MY personal spring break, however, received a little extension due to my sickness and then birthday...so yay!
Mine finished up last week. I backpacked solo for four days on the AT (about 60 miles) before developing severe knee pain and bailing on day 5 (cursing myself for not bringing trek poles, ibuprofen, or a knee brace the whole time, of course). So then I spent Easter weekend at a friends house limping around and trying to be helpful. I live very far from home, and we're not allowed to stay on campus for breaks, so I have a hard time finding something both fun and economical to do over break. Backpacking is good because camping is free on most of the AT and you only need to buy food (assuming you already have gear). I saw a bear, a few deer, and about 1,000 hawks, which was pretty cool.
All in all, including helping out with gas money to get to the trail and back, I spent just about 100 dollars. I could improve that a lot, but I don't have a car, so in order to get to the trail I had to bum a ~9 hour ride each way, even though another portion of the trail passes within a few hours of my school (no one was heading that way, though).