Well one day I went to my cursed treasure 2 game and my save file was deleted. It reverted back to level 1 but then left all the in-game medals I had. So then I left and checked back later. Then everything was gone... I'm kinda mad, since I spent a lot of time in it.
It was saved to my account. That's all. And I didnt clear anything or do anything different. Can you help me?
Clearing cache and only make it worse... And i tried on a different browser (Chrome) with no result. And I have no idea what refreshing cpl is... Should i now email Justin?
This is just like SFH2. I'm not sure if it will work now that you have cleared your cache, but try refreshing the page until the save comes back. It worked for me!
Sometimes if you have a hiccup in your internet connection it's possible it doesn't see you have a save game. Then when you save a new game, it writes over your old one. It's rare, but it does happen.