here we go again. can't play the game. u loose out on honor, insig's they give u gold and keys. get the game up running and keep it that way. you have games people spent money on , do a better job keeping them running
Lessee... You gave them a whole 4 hours to fix the problem? My, isn't that generous.
Not to sound overly sarcastic, but these things take time to fix. I've seen problems like this take anywhere from a day to a month (it more then likely should be fixed here within 48 hours, if you're still experiencing a problem, let us know. =D)
and yesterdays problem, and any number of issues w/ this particular game. if ur going to encouch people to spend money on something, make sure it works
ok fine, if this is just part of it, and the game is always going to have problems and the sever is always going to have problem and its going take time to get things back up and running. instead of giving players lame comp for down time , comp them for what they actu do loose. alot of it is timed based rewards in these game.
ArmorkingIII, if you're still having issues contact me directly at and I'll have a closer look. There shouldn't be much downtime unless the server is being patched. And you're the only person who seems to have the issue.