I have oddly gotten really into Pi that I started memorizing digits of Pi. I want to see if there is any other Pi geeks out there. I know over 90 digits of Pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211 that's all from memory. Show me what you got.
what? I'm sorry..are you trying to say pi is better because it sounds like pie?
Of course! Not only does it taste good, as well as sound good (as the case may be), but it also is in the shape of a circle. A most complete example of delicious food, and an example of a mathematical constant.
However, Tau is just that little bit easier to learn. It just gets rid of how students get confused when pi is half way around a circle and 2pi is all the way around.
You're ignoring the fact that "all the way around" is really just halfway around twice. No no- I fully realize that that sounds completely stupid. Hear me out.
First of all, we hardly ever talk about angles greater than 180 degrees, and if we do, we typically refer to them as a negative angle (that is less than 180 degrees). 180 degrees (which is a straight line), is a more intuitive concept than 360 degrees. Furthermore, we get the nice property that sin(pi)=sin(0), but that cos(pi) = - cos(0), which is an easy way to remember their difference. Sure, sin and cos may have a periodicity of tau (or 2pi), but their roots and critical values are spaced by pi. Those are what more often really matter in analytical calculus and algebra.
And euler's formula is just any old equation.
So, in summary: tau is way better if you want to do things like calculate the circumference of a circle, but you only have time to press two buttons and you don't remember the formula for diameter. It is also nice for making the unit circle look pretty, so its friends (the riemann sphere and the mobius strip) won't make fun of it anymore at parties.
Pi is better if you want to do math.
Phi is pretty cool if you want to impress your friends (who don't watch vihart).
I'm sorry..I couldn't hear you over my phi..which can be seen all throughout nature (examples: shells, flowers, etc), in architecture, and even throughout the human body (among many other things). Check and mate
Phi is pretty cool if you want to impress your friends (who don't watch vihart).
I once memorized about 30 digits. It was surprisingly fun to quiz myself on it. But it got kinda old. Nice job with the 90! Also on the topic of weird math symboly things... How about the psi Ï symbol? Used for finding the probability of finding a particle somewhere or something. Kinda went over it in my Chem class.