I been obsessed with a new game called Deep Sleep, its a horror click and point game that is made by Script Welder. But what i am here to suggest is that armor games should have a horror genre so that we can experience even more Terrifying games, we got eight other genres why not a horror genre so we can save time by not randomly typing words into the search bar but instead clicking on the genre without all that stress to remember the name of that specific game. We need the Fear and that fear is hidden in the labyrinth of armorgames.
Even though I can completely understand your request, this will probably not happen in the future... there are a lot of (sub-)genres to choose from and if ArmorGames were to make a category for each and every one of them, the category bar would have to be extended significantly.
What they (probably) will be implementing in the (near?) future is an extended tag search for the website. This would mean that the games that have a sub-genre can be found more easily by means of searching with a genre tag, like 'Horror' for example!
I hope this answers your question/suggestion a bit... =)