it seams that in wartune there is a fee that each guild member pay once a week. the problem is it takes from the guilds wealth as well. this is hitting the players twice. once in there pockets then on the contributions already made to the guild. this makes it very hard to level up the guild. i completely bakes guilds that dont ( PAY to PLAY) apart. way to go R2 games, and a nod to Armor for not bring it to there attention.
Have you tried posting this odd double-payment in the Wartune forums yet? I think you might render an answer about this a lot quicker over there as I am totally lost about this... sorry. =)
yes i created an account there but it requires you to enter your server and since me toon is not on R2 servers i cant submit a ticket. but i shot them an outside email. i was just trying to cover all fronts.
Ah, understood. Well, from the ArmorGames' end, I can assure you that this is something they wouldn't know about, unless a user would mention it like you have now. Hence why they didn't respond to it when it occured so to speak...
I hope they will answer your email soon and are able to fix the issue, so you can resume playing without losing funds over nothing! =)
well alas earwar. it would seem 7road can not be contacted directly. so im at a loss. i have done all i can on my end. i still have high hopes on our end here.