ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] The Last Stand:Dead Zone

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2 posts

Hello! Not sure where to put this but I have some complaints about this game.

I'm a returning player to that game and when I came back. I found out all of the hardwork that I had in that game disappeared. I was lvl 25 back then. It's almost more than 9 months since I last played The Last Stand: Deadzone.
Im just wondering what happen to all of the stuffs that I had before.

Can someone pls help me!

  • 3 Replies
60 posts

Okay it's been 9 months so my best guess is that you somehow got your flanks exposed by a smart player who demolished your stuff in a raid. Also you can put this in the MMO section but since it's a flash game it can still be fine to keep it there.

2 posts

No not that really..thats not what I am experiencing. I was around lvl 25 back then..and when I decided to come back playing again, the game prompt me to create a new character! It means that all of the progress that I had with all of my awesome gear and such, cease to exist!

I dont know why I have to go back being level one and all of my stuff gone.

Also..what you doesn't happen to me back when I was playing because I always come back with pure destruction.

Anyways, can someone pls explain to me why I am experiencing that? I don't feel like playing right now until this case has been resolve! I really like this game! Pls. help!

Thanks in advance.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

I'm pretty sure this is a silly question, but are you sure you're using the same AG account that you used 9 months ago? If this hadn't happened to someone I know, I wouldn't mention it

Having said that, you should contact the game developer because Armor Games only hosts the game. Maybe if you post this issue on the support section of the ConArtist forums, they'll be able to provide an answer. Here's the link. I've been searching those forums to find something similar to what you're experiencing, but I couldn't find anything.

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