I've noticed that some people have Armatars you can't get currently. Is this because they (the pictures) are just no longer avalable on the site? Or is there some way to upload your own? Sorry if this is a nooby question =)
my armatar i have looks like it was removed (just checked) i had it selected since around since last christmas, i regret not being on around last halloween to have those on :/. but like patrick said, some are seasonal so soon after the season is over the armatars goes with it, unless you have one of them selected as yours you get to keep it until you switch it with another
Question 1: When will the next limited custom armatar selection for regular users be aviable?
Question 2: Why do I keep getting fewer armatars to choose from each time i unlock a quest?
Yeah what everyone else said, its seasonal most likely. Speaking of armatars, a bunch of the high point ones are gone now. Anyone else notice this, or did I just lose a few of the old system's points?
I wish my Armatar was a bit more unique but a lot (sort of) of other people have my Armatar even if my Armatar had a red mask instead of a blue one i would be happy and I can't find an Armatar contest to enter a good dog themed Armatar that I want to use.
Maybe at halloween (if there would be a contest)? Dunno, maybe ask DayCee before if a "red-masked-dog" fit it. Although if it its ok, and if its choosable then there is always a chance other users choose the "red-masked-dog" too then
Wait, never mind if my cousin finises in time then I will have a picture that isn't really specified for Halloween to me but fits in the Halloween category.
I can't see the pic, but maybe if you make your own armatar and make it related to one of those themes then you could wear it. Or you could ask someone else to do it for you.