something interesting popped up on the news. i went through the source of it. coming from here and here.
basically, usa is secretly breaking european privacy laws on a large scale. only because they got afraid after 9/11 -.-' this story is probably going to get a tail.
i want to ask all the americans here that have the same few: do you mind sharing all your private information whit china, brazil, pakistan, afghanistan, iran, the EU and south-africa?
No more than I want to share it with my own government.
i heard today that 56% of the americans dont mind and 45% of them even wants the government to take a closer look.
Do you have a source for that? I would be interested in seeing actual figures.
dunno about that. but as seeing from here sofar. people dont care about their privacy rights. gun rights are more important. xD
Partydevil you are right about that one. The second "Amendment" (from the verb "to amend" or to CHANGE) is untouchable, but the 4th amendment apparently doesn't matter.
They say they want guns to protect them from a tyrannical government, but apparently the only tyrannical thing they object to is the government trying to take their guns.
No more than I want to share it with my own government.
yea, your a special breed of american. (must be that bit of dutch left in you. =P )
Do you have a source for that?
got it from the radio when i was driving. (legit source, it was the business talk station) i'll go after the source on their site tomorrow.
They say they want guns to protect them from a tyrannical government, but apparently the only tyrannical thing they object to is the government trying to take their guns.
also, i very much dislike the way they setup the question "rivacy or protection". in my opinion we can't do whitout either. to have privacy we need protection. but to be protected we need our privacy. there is a balance there. but now the usa is tipping the scales for all of us.
also, i very much dislike the way they setup the question "rivacy or protection". in my opinion we can't do whitout either. to have privacy we need protection. but to be protected we need our privacy. there is a balance there. but now the usa is tipping the scales for all of us.
I very much agree and I find it unacceptable.
wtf is this buggy stuff? it just doesn't post anymore? =S
i got you the source mage. =)
Thanks Been noticing the bugs as well. it does seem to be posting, they just aren't showing right away. So it's hard to tell if it did post or not.
The government has a system that as soon as they pick up the word bomb, president, and over 200,000 more over the phone, they tap in. i'm not sure if it's just recorded, automated, or what, but I saw it on the news years back.
and was updated by obama in 2012 that made these activities possible.
'Supreme ruler' and 'US President' are not the same thing. Heck, I'd use a person like Obama. The President is merely a scapegoat. He has power, but he shoulders the blame for things he did not have power over.