Side note: This the only AG thread I can get to come up. Da hell?
After hearing about the price of the Xbox1, I'm not buying it. $500 bucks for a system?! Then there's online, kinect, controllers, games.
Live will be as much as PS+ which (from what I've heard) is necessary for any online play. The Kinect is included in the bundle, a controller will be included but (from what I've heard) single-console Multiplayer isn't viable, and the games may or may not be more/less expensive relative to 360 games. Then there's also your Internet bill, Cloud storage, hard drives, etc.
Overall I feel that PS4 just punched the Xbox One in the gut. Not just because of its $399 price tag, but also the ability to share/sell used copies of games, their independent game support, and the fact you don't have to be always connected to the internet.
Yes sir!
I realize it's early to judge how things will play out, but PS4 looks like the console for me.
I actually heard some interesting information on this today. If Microsoft wants to make that deadline, the consoles must be in production already. I've been hearing people say, "Microsoft loves their consumers. Surely they'll fix the issues before it comes out." In my opinion, revolutionizing a console with as many problems that the X1 has seems too much work. Is it worth the time? Is it worth the investment? Might they just slip this generation? There's no way they could fix their console and their policies before fall arrives, but I doubt it's feasible before the generation after next comes out.
Gamers are smart though. Especially hardcore gamers. They're not against turning their back on a console this quickly.
From what I've noticed the past few days, the X1 seems to be dying. I was dying to get it until the rumors starting coming out, and E3 only helped make those glaring nightmares more real. I loved my 360, but I will most definitely be skipping the X1 and getting the PS4 (already got my Wii U).
That said, Microsoft showed off some better games. It will be hard to tell what does better this holiday season.
I think this has been exaggerated a bit. Yeah, I get it, exclusives are great if you have the right system, but it seems like most games are multiplatform (or at least will be). To an extent, Nintendo even made somewhat of an attempt to join the hardcore gamer crowd. The exclusives seem more diminished than last generation.
But, of course, the games available for a system won't change the system itself.
With the Wii though, Nintendo went after casual gamers. Big time. Problem is, they're "casual" gamers. They don't follow your brand or the new consoles. Only hardcore gamers do that. So with the Wii U, they're having trouble getting their footing with both the hardcore and casual gamers.
But the Wii U is
trying for hardcore gamers. The Wii felt like a slap in the face for those of us who love awesome hardcore-oriented games and loyalty.
I'm hoping Nintendo will reveal more Zelda related things. that's the main reason i bought the wii when it first came out.
I'm hoping so too, but so far Nintendo games seem like they won't be abundant relative to last generation.
It also helps that the wii u has more of the games that used to be on both xbox and ps but not on the wii. Like AC and such. so all in all i'm going for the wii u, i just need to save up a little.
Yes, the Wii U is trying to appeal to the hardcore gamers this generation (finally). If they succeed they could be great 9th gen.
The Wii U is the most unique console I've seen yet. The idea of mixing a portable game console, a regular console, and controller all in one is pure genius. Nintendo I have to say made a much better upgraded version of their console then Microsoft and Sony combined. And some of it's features make daily things easier as well, such as exercise and the internet features help you upgrade on social media and stuff (if you're into that).
Actually the 360 and the PS3 already have many capabilities similar to that of the Wii U. The Wii U is a bit more sophisticated with them, of course, but they're a little late to the party. The Wii was awful when it came to game-unrelated features.
Because I'm tired as hell, I'll reply to the rest of the thread later.