We've been working on this game for a really long time now and wanted to get your guys' thoughts on the idea. Also, here is a picture of one of the undead minions(pokemon) in the game. See if you can spot who we designed this guy after.
Sounds pretty cool. This would allow you to differentiate the skills of your party. I really love games with upgrade trees. I hope you post when you finish! I'll totally play it!
Thanks saybre45! We'll be excited to have you check it out! Would you be up for doing some beta testing when we get a little closer to releasing it?
Also, here is a screenshot of one of the talent trees. You can see that each minion(Pokemon) has three specializations depending on how you want that minion to fit into your group. So for this guy, you could specialize in buffing your party, doing demonic damage, or reflecting damage at the other party.
Interesting concept. It certainly adds more variety, so that two players of the same "okemon" can still have differences on how they had allotted their skill points, thus creating battles with more diversity and multiple endings.
This would add more strategy to battles, as well as it giving off the feel of having your own unique "okemon".
I've always been a fan of the genre of games that are similar to pokemon. I look forward to the release of this game, as well. =)
Thanks Riptizoid! Exactly, it allows you a great deal more customization and strategy when picking how you want to "build" a pokemon. Also, we'd love to have you in the beta in a few weeks if you're up for it
Awesome! Thanks Riptizoid! We'll just shoot you a message when it's ready to go
Thanks xaeros! Haha, it kinda does look like ghastly now that you bring it up It's supposed to be Kel'Thuzad from World of Warcraft, he's one of my favorite raid bosses On a side note, would you like to beta test/get early access?
Also, we'd love to get your guys' thoughts on some of the grass level game art. Let us know what you think! [url=http://i.imgur.com/RQPNr39.png]
Sweet, GamerGuy75 we'll be excited to have you check it out!
Thanks wflag10! It should be out sometime in the next few week, maybe a little sooner!
Thanks pangtongshu! Yep it's a real game The story mostly revolves around collecting sage seals so you can use Titans(super powerful minions). But honestly most of emphasis in the game is on combat and training the minions in your party.