Is it just me, or are the last post links next to the main forum thing not working? A lot of them just take me to the 'Oops, we couldn't find that page' page, and to get there I have to click the name of the thread and go to the last page. I've switched computers to test it out, and it still doesn't work. For example, the ^,
Ah, silly forums deleted half my post. Welp, continuing. For example the ^, v game and the Alphabet Game [I think] both do that. If this isn't just my internet being a stupid, then could someone who does all the techy-work figure it out? :3 Muchly obliged dear sir. Or ma'am.
Ah, wait, now it works. Of course it works as soon as I make a commotion about it. Or unless somebody read this and quickly and anonymously fixed it. ^w^ Thank you.