Whenever a thread reaches 10,20,30, etc. posts I can't see that post. It only becomes visible after post 11,21,31, etc. I can't go the next page either until the next post.
It is a new but known glitch. The staff is investigating it and hopefully they can fix it soon! If you have any other intell on the bug, please share it in this thread! Also they places, times and quantity of the appearances will help! =)
This glitch will from here on known as "Invisible Post Glitch", and it was a glitch that happened when we sped up the forums and removed the "Blank Page Glitch". For now, just post an extra post and it will fix the issue.
For now, just post an extra post and it will fix the issue.
Or just go to the page after what the thread says is the last page. You can do this by altering the page number in the URL. If, for example, the thread says the last page is page 127, but you just posted to start a new page, change the 127 in the URL to a 128 and voila, there's your post.