Problem 1 Why does my profile need 10 minutes to change the amatar instead 1 second I want to try 5 , 10 of them , and I don't want to spend like an hour just for testing something that I can do for 1 minute It is a glitch or something else ? Could you please help me ? If you're the admin , please , do something about it
Problem 2 I can't logout from my other profile (not going to tell witch one) If I wanna use this profile , I must use me mom's PC profile I can logout from this one , but not from the other one Please help Again If your the admin , please help me
It takes time to change an Armatar. You need to stop posting just to attain a post goal, please remove "1k posts" under your AIM, and accept that you will not be attempting to get this. I feel like a lot of your questions could be resolved without multiple postings.