Cartoons, whether they be aimed at children or stuff like Futurama. Video Games. More specifically, Nintendo. My friends were like, "Nintendo should just suck it up and put Super Smash Bros on the xBox!" I yelled "NEVER"! In a crowded school hallway. My maturity level hasn't risen much. Chewing my fingernails.
The other day, me and my dad & stepmom were clothes shopping for me. They said I could pick out a shirt I like. *proceeds to radiate slowly towards Mickey Mouse shirt, done in the style of the new shorts* NO. Another store... *radiates towards Pink Panther shirt, which was a parody of Scarface.* For the record, it the shirt was all in grey and black. Not even actual pink. Still... NO. And then grudging yes.
Drooling in my sleep. Even as an adult I still wake up with saliva on my pillow. I was sure for the longest time that this was something that only happened to children, but all these years of pillow-drooling have proved me wrong once again.
My mother always told me my best friend and I would grow up to be different people and she wouldn't be my best friend anymore. I hope defying this trend continues, not only because I like my friend, but because I like proving my mother wrong here.