I bought a new computer a while ago and lost all my old game saves, some of those games I had been playing for over a year. Is there a way to find where armor games saves the game data and transfer it over to my new computer?
I think the games might be stored under "temporary internet files" but I don't know which file holds the data for the games on armorgames.com or for that matter if they are transferable.
Yes, you can do that. Depending on the operating system you are using,on that old computer, location is:
For Windows XP operating system:
C:\\Documents and Settings\\*look for explanation*\\Application Data\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\ (and then look for Armor games folders: agi.armorgames.com armorgames.com cache.armorgames.com
*look for explanation* means your user name on Computer (name that is registered). If you do not know which is, do this, Right-click on icon My Computer,go to properties,when it opens see what it says on the field *registered to*
If you are unable to see the 'Application Data' folder you will need to go to (Double-click on My Computer) 'Tools', 'Folder Options', 'View' (Tab), and check the 'Show hidden files and folders' option.
For Windows Vista operating system:
C:\\\\Users\\\\*look for explanation*\\\\AppData\\\\Roaming\\\\Macromedia\\\\Flash Player\\\\#SharedObjects
Everything else is the same. The same principle applies to other Windows operating systems.
I found the folder on my new computer, it was under (c>users>*my registered name*>appdata>roaming>macromedia>flashplayer> #sharedobjects>AVTQH3WM>cache.armorgames.com>files>games so a little different.
I also found out that my messing around with my old computer by doing stupid stuff like storing internet files on an external harddrive has erases my old games. But its nice to know that if I get a new computer they will transfer over, that is if they can with a new operating system.