Been playing Cursed Treasure 2. My local save is there but i cant access online save. I was just on a couple hours ago with no problem. Have done nothing with my computer since then.
If there was an error on the relation client/server, your save game file might be broken (corrupted). In such cases it is best to raise up backup file(secure copy of the file), if the file in the first place exists. If there is no such a file,well I would not be too optimistic. I would rather say that your files has to be deleted. Most often it is the only possible solution.
In the case of corrupted saves, sadly there is nothing we can do to recover them. It's a rare occurrence, though we did have some emergency maintenance yesterday that could have caused it.
I am facing the same issue with Kingdom Rush. I login to and then try to access KR, i again get a prompt to login to AG save system. If i provide my login credentials again, it will not work.
I have done some research in Google, and started updating my profile (just updated profile, didn't do anything) and then accessed KR game. It started working. I don't know what is causing this issue. I am facing this problem every day. Frustrating as i cannot access premium content and cannot play game.