ForumsGame WalkthroughsLast Stand 2 Priority Enemies

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Alright, in The Last Stand 2, it helps to aim for some enemies before others. From least priority to top priority, here's a list I usually keep to, with a brief summary of the enemy so you know who I'm talking about and some have a little suggestion. From least priority to the top of the wanted list.

Normal Man/Woman- Least priority, easy kill headshot or bullet spray. Fairly slow.

Grody Dude- This guy has a green head and looks like he's been dead for a while and I don't know, it might just be me, but he seems to take a lot more shots before dying than the fresher zombies.

Fa-...Obese Zombies- Half your clip in body shots, a fourth in heads. If/when the zombies rise, lose a few pounds so the survivors have an easier time.

Zombie Dogs-always running. First to get there, first to die, or whatever zombies do. Sometimes they tend to wedge themselves into the lowest part of your screen, just out of reach of your survivor placed there. Keep an eye on your base health cuz the dogs kind of blend into the fully dead zombies. Once I got to the morning and wondered why the next screen wasn't loading. I didn't notice the dog was there until my survivors ran away from the barrier and the dog ran in. If(when) a z dog goes into this annoying position, try wait until the horde is slowed and equip a spray weapon (uzi, i recommend) or a chainsaw (I recommend more) and run to the bottom of the screen and aim as low as you can and slice the doggy's face off. Be sure not to click off screen or on an ad, cuz then the runners will screw you.

Swat/Army Zombies-Body shots are useless unless your using an rpg. Usually I'm too lazy to go for a head shot so I shoot their legs out. The army guys are also very hard to get a headshot, you can't shoot the forehead; if you're feeling particularly cocky, equip your hunting rifle and shoot his mouth out.

Runners-For some reason these zombies feel like running and are usually the first zombies of the night to greet you. Try weaken the fatties and let the survivors finish them; just chainsaw the skinnies or point black their foreheads.

Running Authorities-Swats and Armys running at you. I don't recommend headshot, but you can if you want. I just go for the legs.

Weapon toting zombies-I consider them tied with runners because they're equally annoying, but the weapon ones are more of a target in my mind if they're lined up with the survivors. The weapons the have can reach over the wall and permanently kill your survivors, diminish you firepower, and leave a hole in your soul. Keep an eye out for zombies carrying sections of wood, machetes, and cleavers (especially the cleavers, they're hard to see). There might be more, but you get the idea. Also, there's a guy with a microphone, bible, and a tonfa baton and I'm not sure if those can kill the people but whatever. Also watch for the big zombies with weapons.

Running weapon wielders- Keep an eye out, they're rare but they can kill your survivors and come at you faster. I'm glad they can't just kill you like that, but I think there should be an option that allows you to move survivors back a few feet.

Running Armys/Swats/Fatties with weapons-Aw, come on, what?! I hate these freakin guys! Priority number one, hope to hell they aim for a survivorless spot.

By the way, are there any survivors at fort tran? I went there for one night and got the rpg but had to leave cuz i almost ran out of days. Also, if there are, are they army guys who DON'T DIE from FREAKING weapon zombies? That would be nice.

  • 5 Replies
159 posts

hey man, I already figured most of it out on my own but still, nice job on the list!

785 posts

Cool! The game is a little more easier.

2 posts

Appreciate it man.

124 posts

Very nice guide mate, certainly told me a thing or two about my priorities. (AKA: Shoot zombie BEFORE eating the cheese sandwich!)

6,823 posts

Please add this to the preexisting Last Stand 2 thread. Thanks!

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