Ooh, how about Bioshock, I've always wanted to hear about that game from a different perspective, besides mine, which is kinda werid, if you wanna know it, PM me.
Graham, I love your class! I also used to own that on the good on N64, ah the memories. For me, I got all the everything, heart pieces, etc, and that took me and my family about a year and a bit.
How about.......The compulse games! You could do one or both, but it would be pretty sweet if you could get a guide that is completely perfect. Now THAT would be impressive haha.
No one is going to be requesting walkthroughs because all they need do is google it and it will have a much more detailed description of the game they need.
To get the ball from the portal(green circle with white trim), to the bigger green ball with the red, blue, yellow, and purple rings around it. On some levels these rings may be missing, in that case you must collect the small tiles that are color coordinated with the rings around the target ball. Once you collect the colored tile, the ring will appear. You must have all the rings before you can get to the ball. Gravity Applies!
You have four different tiles to choose from:
Yellow - Shoots down Blue - Shoots up Red - Shoots Right Green - Shoots Left
There are a few obstacle you should watch for while playing.
1.) Wall. Walls are designed to allow the ball to go through one way, but not let it go back through. There is an arrow pointing at the wall, which ever way it is pointing is where you can go through, but you can't come back the other way.
2.) Mines. Mines are designed to "kill" your ball. When you hit a mine you will have to adjust your tiles to miss it, otherwise you will be stuck on the same level.
3.) Teleporters. On a few levels you will encounter teleporters. When your ball hits one it will come out of another one. These can get kind of tricky because you can sometimes get stuck in a never ending loop.
Remember, it's hard to get it in the exact location as how I have it. Place it in the area mine is, and then move them around until it goes.
Level 1
Easy first level to get you started. Just use a red tile to shoot the ball to the right until it bounces to the target.
Level 2
For this one you have to collect a ring tile before getting to the target. Place a green tile to the left of the ring tile. This will collect it and then move straight to the target.
Level 3
Place a red tile a little bit under the portal and send the ball over to collect a ring tile, and to the target.
Level 4
You encounter your first wall on this level. Pretty simple though, just place a green or red tile, whichever you like, half way on top and on bottom of the wall, right under the portal.
Level 5
This is the first level that you will need more than one tile for. I used a blue and a green to get the job done. On this one I use a glitch to my advantage, you will see when you do it.
Level 6
You can use either a green or red on this. If you use green, put it to the left of the yellow ring tile, if you use red, put it to the right. Sorry my descriptions may get a little shorter, I'm getting pretty tired, haha. But you can see everything in the picture. ;D
Level 7
You have to go up and against gravity on this one. Just use a blue to shoot up and a red to shoot over. You will then bounce a few times and then make it to the target.
Level 8
Yay! Mines! Well this is the first level with mines, but it's fairly easy. Using a red, shoot it right between two of the mines.
Level 9
More mines! This time it's all about placement. The picture will show you where.
Level 10
This one was fun, you get to float your ball across a pit of mines. Heck yes!
Level 11
You get to see the teleporters for the first time on this. Just let the ball fall through to the first one, and come out the other one. Then using a green and blue, shoot it up and around the target. It will go through the teleporter and eventually shoot up to the target.
Level 12
Yay! More Teleporters. All you need is one green tile to shoot it into a teleporter, and then let the bouncing do the rest.
Level 13
Mines and teleporters on this. Using a red tile, make the ball bounce to the right off the ground, into the teleporter, and it will come out into the target.
Level 14
Lots of mines! Just follow my picture to shoot between the mines and into the target.
Level 15
Walls and mines. Just bounce through walls and around mines.
Level 16
This one was fun, haha.
Level 17
Gotta love bouncing.
Level 18
Haha, I made this one bounce... A LOT!
Level 19
Death below and above. Hmm...
Level 20
You will travel in all the corners on this.
Level 21
This one took me a while to figure out.
Level 22
Just as said on the game... "The Tunnel... of Doom!!
Level 23
This one got annoying...
Level 24
Bounce AROUND the mines, hehe.
Level 25
Woot! Last level! And quite the fun one, bouncing all around.
Sorry for the last few pictures, there wasn't much description on them, but a lot of this was just seeing it.
So hopefully this helped you out Estel, and all of these are Pro Score or under.
This is my first guide on this site. I really hope the pictures work.
Um... Possibly a recent game? Such as Besieged or Dungeon Defender? Many people would love to see a Dungeon Defender walkthrough, so that'd be a good one!