Last week you asked us to change our password due to a security breech in armor games... I changed the pass in my work computer, but when I used my home pc (where I had the old pass stored) I logged in normally without being asked the new pass...
This means that if somebody had stolen my pass, if he stored it in his browser before I change it, than even if I did he could still have access to my account!!!
it seems that cases are not as "rare" as we would like to believe... that is the issue in general... a change in password won't affect the stored in other computers and access won't be denied to ppl who entered the account
Well, security here really sucks (sorry for using the word, but it's the mildest thing i could find). Just looked into the matter 1st. I was able to change my password AND email and didn't get a single mail notification. Fortunately i would not have lost the account if someone else did so, if i would have been logged in somewhere, because: 2nd. Used password recovery and changed password through mobile and was still able to use the account on a PC (which has no idea about a new password). IMHO, both issues are not allowed to be! Are you guys even serious about asking to pay for the games when you have such security leaks?