ForumsSupport Forumhow to save game?

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3 posts

Is there a way to save every time i close browser and come back i have to start new there a way i can leave site and come back and continue without losing progression?

  • 8 Replies
1,417 posts

First of all,If you're set up your web browser to delete history
and cookies on exit,Of course you can not.
This applies to all games that keep their files on the local level.
(refers to your computer HDD - hard disk drive)

If your progress in the game is saved on servers (on-line save)
I do not see a problem.

Please note that not all games have on-line save option.
And please note that not all games have auto save option.

1,315 posts

please note that not all games have auto save option.

Indeed; it would be helpful to know what game you're having trouble saving. (Or if it's all of them.)
3 posts

so i use firefox not sure how to setup not to delete? but i have only played some tower defence games recently incursion was one. Even if i reload or leave to look at other games then back click. Still have to start new game can't continue. any tutorial on how to set my browser or system to help save?

1,315 posts

Incursion does appear to feature an offline (auto-)* save; Incursion 2, both offline and online save(s).

* (Meaning there's no obvious button or anything for it, but the game does come with the option to continue where you were. You did click "Continue," not "New game," haven't you? )

In Firefox (for Windows), you'll want to look at a button (usually located at top of browser screen, to the left'ish) ) called >Tools, now go >Options, in the menu you get, hit the tab >Privacy, and (under >History), look at the way your browser is set up to handle cookies (basically, small files that let your machine communicate with a given server & back).

You need to allow cookies for the appropriate Armor Games servers, at least on a per-session basis, in order for the savegame to be stored (in/through that cookie). They can be several, but will all be recognizable as belonging to AG.

Next, make sure you don't have Firefox set to automatically delete cookies. There's an automated setting for this in that same menu; and also look at the way you handle it manually, if you do, under (browser button) >History >Clear recent history.

Finally, if you do use another progam to clean up your system, make sure again it doesn't clean out those cookies you want to keep. It gets complicated because of the way Flash Player handles these so-called "Flash Cookies" (technically Local Shared Objects, and they're not really cookies as such) & then the way this interacts with various browsers, as opposed to cookie handling as such; but anyway essentially, again you want to make sure you don't clean out the appropriate cookies (or more precisely, these LSO's, then).

Sounds all horribly complicated? Give it a shot following the steps described, and let us know if it resolved the issue for you

(And disclaimer: I'll gladly be told off for talking out of my behind with it, and there may well be others who can describe it far better than me )

1,315 posts

ps Also then, make sure Flash Player likewise allows content to be stored for those same Armor servers.

You should be prompted for this, and should allow it/have allowed it. Again, they'll be recognizable by name as belonging to Armor Games, not some Ads.R.Us thing.

If in the past you have disallowed it, then adjust this to allow in your Flash Player settings, on the first tab called (translated) >"Storage" or something to that effect, then >"Storage settings per site" or similar.

To get there, in Windows XP, go through >Control Panel >Flash Player (so on your machine, this isn't in your browser settings). I think it can be found similarly in other Windows versions.

3 posts

Changing option to remember history worked also add armorgames to exception allow cookies thanks for help...

1,315 posts

Great. Thanks for reporting back that it did work. Always helpful in order to be able to advise others


1,315 posts

ps, And just to keep my & everyone's i's dotted:

[quote=MacII]In Firefox ... You need to allow cookies for the appropriate Armor Games servers, at least on a per-session basis, in order for the savegame to be stored (in/through that cookie). They can be several, but will all be recognizable as belonging to AG.[/quote]

[quote=tetrahydro_cannabinol_77]Changing option to remember history worked also add armorgames to exception allow cookies[/quote]

In fact I realize now I misphrased there:

In fact Firefox separates handling of the issue so that to specifically allow flash cookies for ArmorGames (or any site that requires flash cookies, aka these LSO's; such as any gaming site where you want to store your savegames offline, aka locally, so on your machine) isn't necessary. They don't get treated as cookies, as such.

All that's needed in Firefox is to not wipe (delete) all of your cookies automatically. (In other words, for some reason it distinguishes between setting cookies proper, or flash cookies; however it doesn't distinguish between wiping them, and so wipes them all regardless, both cookies and flash cookies.)

As you have now done, by allowing all history, I gather. If this is beyond you, never mind: It worked, didn't it

In Internet Explorer, one does need to allow cookies to be set for the sites in question (so the ArmorGames site or perhaps for related servers, in this case) as well.

It basically boils down to Adobe/Flash Player's handling of the issue being pretty sucky, if you ask me, but that's arguably beyond the scope of this thread, or perhaps forum. It used to be clearly pretty iffy from a privacy and security perspective; then some time ago (year or what? I forget) they changed it around, clearly to address such concerns; which may have resolved some of them, but set the door wide open for still others. Basically, the not-too savvy user is still left with being pushed to set their machine as unrestricted as possible, for things to work with no ado; or to have a lot to fiddle around with, perhaps more than they can manage, or it at any rate being a pain in the bum to do so.

Well. rant over, and perhaps it will be resolved somehow, one day (in heaven, presumably ). Never mind, and again: Glad it worked It's really all that matters.

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