I was having trouble getting the game to save even when I was logged in (received error message). I started "updating" my profile every time I logged in and stopped getting the message, so I thought I'd found a work around. However, just logged in from another computer and half of my progress is gone. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I just realized it was happening today. Based on the amount of progress I lost, I'm assuming its been happening for awhile. The game play is being saved on my computer, so I don't think its that I'm leaving to soon. Is there a way to manually save the game, or is it only automatic?
Logging into your account, I see a level 56 account and premium content. It's strange that you can't see that. Do you have anti-virus or blockers that would prevent you seeing it? Could you check on a different browser?
I just tried a different browser (Firefox) on my home computer that I've never played with before and there is zero content. The browser I'm using at home that works is Chrome. The browser I was using away from home when I noticed the issue was Chrome.
I think I realized where the issue might be coming from. When using a different browser or computer I'm logged in at the top right, but I'm not logged in according to a small bar in the upper left hand corner of the game screen. When I try I get a server error.