Uh - I feel like a complete Democrat trying to vote - I had a typo in my screen name - how do I fix this as I want my screen name here to be consistent with my name in other online games
Thanks, Unleashed, I should have guessed. Or maybe I figured they could pass it on to an admin.
So guess what, just the the other day I figured I'd make me a second account, in order to start a game anew (Bravest Hunter) that has only online saves (for ArmorGames) and no reset.
Rather predictably, you can't create an extra account using the same email address. So now what. Hm.
You Should Contact a Admin or Mod.! So You cannot fix it until you contact them or you can make a new account with right user and if you wanna close this account and make the other one for you , You Need to contact Admin or Mod.! So Anyway Thx For Joining Armor Games!