There is this glitch where EVERY time I click on a level to play it, it keeps taking me back to the main menu and asking me to select a saved file, which I am obviously already logged on to my online save for that game. this is very frustrating, and it has been happening to me since I first started playing the game.
When playing, I encountered a somewhat funny yet annoying glitch, that stopped me from playing. In Green Shire I chose a level, I cannot remember which one, and it didn,t load the level graphics. It kept showing the map. I could play it blindfolded and I could switch levels after failiure/success. Yet no level loaded its graphics. I will attatch a screenshot, for Joeybetz to see. Hope you will solve it soon.
Best of luck! ~NNA~
For further information, at the time the glitch occurred, I had already finished all the levels available.