The image below shows two errors and separate pages.
The top half shows an error in displaying the difficulty for The Last Stand - Dead Zones quests on the quest page.
The bottom half shows an error in the release date for the quests for Dawn of the Dragons on the game page. The release date seems to be proper when viewed on a profile page.
Actually, I now vaguely recall that it was very difficult to change the dates for the online games without messing up the quests (something like that) and it was hard enough to get those type of quests working in the first place. Myself having programed a few things here and there can understand how extraordinarily difficult it can be to fix something so insignificant (i.e. the release date of the quests on the game page).
I found another glitch like this. When I rollover some quests on people's profiles sometimes it shows that 0-10 have completed it though thousands have. See:
Notice how I have ticked off not complete, there's a quest in there that I have yet to complete, but it's background shield, near bottom, says, "quest complete".