No one will want you if you have no self confidence. Women don't like insecurity. So join a gym, get a tan, hit up the nightlife and stop bemoaning your fate. Getting dealt a sh*t hand doesn't mean you have to play it like one.
No one will want you if you have no self confidence. Women don't like insecurity. So join a gym, get a tan, hit up the nightlife and stop bemoaning your fate. Getting dealt a sh*t hand doesn't mean you have to play it like one.
Agreed plus there are plenty of girls who are shorter than you or as tall as you if you make yourself desirable by working out having really good hygiene etc. you can beat this, most every guy has to do this anyways to impress a lady.
The good people like other people for who they are, not for what they good like. Think on the bright side, pay your cards right and you might be a good gymnast!
I'm only 5'3, and I turn 21 this month. My doctor said my x-ray will probably show the plates in my hand have fused. No girl will want me.
Height doesn't matter to the girl that truly loves you. If a girl doesn't date you because you're short, you shouldn't even spoil a moment of your day thinking about. Girls that cannot see past somebodies height are worthless.
If you feel short, move to Ireland. Legend says they are all 3 feet tall and have lucky charms and red hair. Those little leprechaun fellows. You'll meet a nice leprechaun girls and make little muggle babies and everything will work out.
Shortness is natural. It happens. Most cultures have people who are very tall, and others are just born and grow up to be short human beings. Unless you did not receive the proper amount of Calcium in your childhood you really don't have an issue.
No girl will want me.
Rule number of about getting girls: If you have an attitude like that the world will chew you up, spit you out, and incinerate you in a furnace fueled by the souls forgotten for ages.