ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Dear armorgames

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1 posts

I have been a avid player of your site for about..5 years now. It has always been my go to site for games. However some of us can't afford to get a new and up to date computer so we are dealing with lower processors. And the moving ads along with the game and the side ads causes our shockwaves to crash. Frankly I have grown extremely annoyed with it so I will no longer be coming back to armorgames. This site will no longer get my support nor will i return.

  • 5 Replies
6,737 posts

Hello Fearsbreach,

Sorry to hear you are leaving AG, however the staff must do whatever they can in order to keep this site free, hence ads, roll-over or not.

1,315 posts

"No longer get my support"

Would certainly have more traction if one were a paying member

There are ways to control these ads and things at your end yes, and you will be running into it again elsewhere on the web, but, suit yourself.
14,745 posts

No need to judge a user for describing his problems and venting his annoyance about it people... he has every right to do this and even though ArmorGames needs to go down certain paths to keep the website free, one can understand the irritation coming from these problems, ok? =)

As for your problems fearsbreach... these are bound to occur sooner or later for everyone. Websites evolve alongside the computer's increasing technology, so when you do not upgrade your computer (for whatever reason, which is fine) you are bound to run into this kind of problem.
Some problems can be handled or fixed more easily than others, but this particular situation is simply one of not having the tools that are up to date to cope with the evolving of websites.

I am really sorry to see you leave ArmorGames and I hope you will reconsider, because these problems will occur at other websites as well. Take care and have fun playing Flash Games in the future! =)

9,323 posts

We'd be sad to have you leave, have you tried updating everything (Flash, video card, browsers) on your computer or alternate browsers to see if it improves?

125 posts

Ferret, the sad thing is that when you use an old computer (like mine, 13 years old and still kicking right now) then you end up in the no man land, the null-zone in which you simply can't update your software anymore because compatibility get dropped with time. Old computers have a set amount of resources and memory available and that's a physical limitation. I'm still running XP for example, as any other OS would simply destroy my computer as they require indecent amount of ram and resources to run, and I'm stuck with a max of 2 gigs of ram. Because XP can't take more than that.

I've myself mentioned this several times in the past. Lucky for me, I now have the money to buy myself a shiny new computer and it will arrive shortly so no more problems of this sort for me.

However, I have to say that I doubt I'll have much time left anymore to play silly games like what AG have to offer right now. And this is quite the conundrum because when you have a dinosaur then you know you can't play with the "modern" games so you seek out alternatives exactly like what AG has to offer... But if you run into, say, you need to upgrade to Flash 11.whatever and you know[i] you can't upgrade past version 10.whatever because [i]the version 11.whatever installer simply refuse to run on your computer then there is nothing left to do short of getting quite aggravated by the whole problem. And I think that's what the OP is having right now.

Luckily most games still work with the old Flash version. Only a very small amount, a handful of games refuse to work and ask for the very latest Flash version. But most games lag with an old computer because of resource and memory issue and all that jazz.

I don't think that's something your team actually want to try solve as it would net you extremely small benefits for quite a large amount of work. Working on the quality of the games on AG, which is sorely missing in the recent history of this site, would be a way better idea...

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