ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Erasing Quests

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2 posts

Sometimes I try a game, play it for five minutes, but then the quests from that game clutter up the interface. Is there a way to ERASE games from my profile so that the site doesn't know that I have played them? Alternatively, is there a way to erase the quests?

  • 5 Replies
6,737 posts

I've never thought of deleting quests... But I don't understand what you are saying a bit. Are you saying that when you play a game for five minutes you earn all the quests from it and don't like them on your profile? Or, do you not like them underneath the game? I didn't really understand...


1,315 posts

I don't really get it, either. I guess a good idea in general is for people not to identify with their online profiles so much.

I'm assuming you do mean your profile page, since I don't see how these Quest icons would clutter up any game pages as such. If you've "favored" any games, you can unfavor them again.

These earned quests as such maybe the admins will want to accommodate a way of deleting them. Other than that, it looks like only a limited number will appear on one's profile page anyway, you'd then need to click on to see the rest. Many games don't feature any.

So, well. If years later you come to regret publicly having played silly game Z, then yes, I guess you have been caught red-handed for all eternity

2 posts

I just want to keep track of unachieved quests for games I care about and will continue to play but delete the one for the games I have abandoned (why do I need to see those?). What I don't want is pages of quests, fulfilled or not, that I have to scroll through to find the ones I still need to work on. The fact that you can organize by game title is not much help if you can't see a drop list of the games you have played as you are still left scrolling through pages to find the game you want.

6,737 posts

I just want to keep track of unachieved quests for games I care about and will continue to play

There's no armor games feature to do that. You could just make a folder in your bookmarks or favorites bar that says "Games to get quests on" or something like that, and then put the games in there.

but delete the one for the games I have abandoned (why do I need to see those?).

You don't really need to delete them... They aren't bothering you, just ignore them.

Hopefully that answered your question...

9,323 posts

I think I understand what you want, but there are a lot of options to sort Quests on the main Quest page. You can ignore the ones you don't enjoy, and just play the ones you want.

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