I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
i dont know how many times i said it, how many topics i informed,how many users know it, but i am an atheist and the only thing i belive in is the fact that the evolution made eevrything, in my oppinion everybody can have his own oppinion but just the fact that some people say " if you dont belieave in god you will go to hell" Then i could just say " if god would be so big hearted and nice, why he would not accept that i just had my oppinion, so he wants to teach me a lesson by sending me to hell?" this is all i say about this, this is one mistake in the bible if god would be real he would accept all oppinions.
It's true that evolution still has some major holes in it (ie: The big bang), but it still has a lot more proof then Christianity does. In fact, pretty much all the scientific proof is on evolution's side.
And no, the bible is not proof of God's existence.
I do not agree with the "beliefs" of either Christianity(or any other religion for that mater) and Athiesm,becuase they both assume waaay too much things that humans just can't know YET.How do you know a god(s) exists?And if you're athiest,how do you know that a god(s) doesn't exist?You really can't know,as there is not sufficient proof to show the existence or....unexistence(lol is that a word)of god or gods.
yes there is, ok, so in the bible it says that god told noah to build a big boat, and noah did, and a few years back, they found the boat exactly where it said it was in the bible
Hey Kiddslayer12.....do you acctully belive that you can change these peopels minds? I mean what are you trying to prove to us? Whats with this thread? I mean really you in no way could change the minds of millions of poeple!
Also what size was the boat? Hmmmm.....it could be any old boat! That just happend to be there? Show me sme facts, or have some proof!
Anyway you seem to BELIVE 100% in everything that you have stated in this thread, but what you can't belive in others veiws? HOW do YOU know there veiws are wrong? Would it help if Athisim had a "bible"? Would that make it better?
"yes there is, ok, so in the bible it says that god told noah to build a big boat, and noah did, and a few years back, they found the boat exactly where it said it was in the bible"
No, they absolutely didn't. Do some research and you'll find that search for Noah's Ark is still ongoing. It has NEVER been found.
@Grey- Evolution and the Big Bang are completely different things.
@Xanatu- The fact that you can't prove something exists, is why you should not believe it does exist. I can claim there is a Pink Invisible Unicorn, as it is invisible you can't prove whether its exists or not. Under the same logic the theist uses, pink invisible unicorns must exist.
@kiddslayer12- Show me an article from a scholarly (peer-reviewed) archaeological journal, or I won't believe you.
Necro there are always some differences, just look at the big picture. Big Bang was the theory of how all the universe came to be. Evolution is another theory of how humans and the earth came to be.
Both include how the earth was formed
Oh, what I would give to look at kidd's face when he's reading this thread..
Yes it affects Darwinian evolution as all systems interact with each other. The sun has changed over time which very much affects Earth and its inhabitants. Organisms affect the rock cycle. The moon affects ocean cycles. etc. etc.