ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

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5,061 posts

But what about the stuff in the bible about resurrection, healing the blind, turning into a pillar of salt. I will gladly admit that at some point in time Jesus of Nazareth may have existed the rest of the stuff in there it just seems like dreams to me.

70 posts

well if one part of the bible you can believe is true then wouldnt you think that the whole thing would be true???....

1,455 posts

But what about the stuff in the bible about resurrection, healing the blind, turning into a pillar of salt. I will gladly admit that at some point in time Jesus of Nazareth may have existed the rest of the stuff in there it just seems like dreams to me.

I believe in the events, just not everything in the letters and stuff. In there, they often mention a slanted view that they only obtained from the knowledge of that time. My point was if it was a contradiction like that he was talking about, it might not be a big deal.
254 posts

[quote]hey don't mock us unicornians ok its a serious religion

Lol. Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone.[/quote]

So hard to be PC these days... :\\
5,061 posts

It is isn't it?

10 posts

Truely I don't wish to take any side in this argument other than to point out somethings i've noticed. First of all people never question their faith, I find this to be a bad thing. Question being in human nature is also a way of exploring what anything actually means. You many come across a sign that says Heven 1 mile than points tward a cliff, if you don't question this than you will be in poor shape in about 10 secconds. This is an extreme example, but can be applied readily to cristian's faith in the Loard and Crist. Those who have a blind dislike for anything are blind and stupid themselves for it is a want to question that allows up to grow live and learn. Seccond I do believe in evolution. It is a valad theory that makes more sence and has more proof to back it up than any religion today. Though the big bang is now widly accepted by scientists to be what happended at the beginning i don't know enough about it to form a real oppinion but from what i have heard it is a plausable idea and should be treated as such and not blindly dismissed because your religion conflicts with it. Third if you do believe in anything i think you should rescearch and know what you believe in. Having a blind trust or misstrust for anything is foly inbedded in stupidity and people who automatically form sterotypical views about groups, ethnicities, or religions fall into this category. I question whether the bible is ment to be taken literally or metaforically. In a literal translation it would make no sence, because of the events that happen. If it is truely a all a ruse like some people believe than they are most likely percieving the bible as a literal thing and find it unbelievable that anybody could do that. Astounding events inspire faith if you believe in them, but they are also a basis for doubt for people that don't wholeheartedly beleieve in their religion. You don't have to believe in a religion, but you can't believe in nothing. You must have some knowledge of we come from the ever have a chance of pondering where we are headed. Simple biology shows us that the human race is most likely doomed. Even though we are the only known species to use tools to adapt readily to its enviormnent we still can't compensate to sertain extremes such as an ice age; or very much the opposite. This brings me to my seccond matter; the big bang theory. According to most scientists the big bang was two huge explosions at almost the exact same time. Too close to be percieved as more than one by the human ear. This started a great expansion of the universe which had previously be held in a single point. As the universe expands it will eventally slow down and fall back in on itsself of keep expanding. Either way we are doomed. My bet is that humans as we know them won't make it another 5000 years without destroying themselves. In the end it doesn't matter what you beleive in it matters how you came to believe in it, and what your reasons are. I haven't decided on a specific religion for myself because honestly i don't know what to believe in.

259 posts

i am actually a Muslim, and even though i disagree with somethings about i agree that athisim is wrong. i mean how is possible that some explosion happened which made stars and planets and life? oh yeah kiddslayer12, i believe the part that you go to heaven if you believe in lord

This was the second post in this thread, and I just had to say something about it.

How can you believe that some old person sitting in a cloud created the Earth and universe and what-not. We've explored so deep into space, and we've found nothing resembling an old guy sitting on a cloud.
1,455 posts

How can you believe that some old person sitting in a cloud created the Earth and universe and what-not. We've explored so deep into space, and we've found nothing resembling an old guy sitting on a cloud.

Do you really think Christians and Muslims (as far as I know) believe that God sits on a cloud that we could reach? You've watched too many cartoons, my friend. *remembering Tom and Jerry*
We believe heaven exists in a different reality, one that we cannot possibly get to physically. Otherwise my grandpa would've taken me to heaven now. He was cool like that.
4,871 posts

We've explored so deep into space

ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh *cough* no

We believe heaven exists in a different reality, one that we cannot possibly get to physically. Otherwise my grandpa would've taken me to heaven now. He was cool like that.

Agreed and im sure he was lol
259 posts

You've watched too many cartoons, my friend. *remembering Tom and Jerry*
We believe heaven exists in a different reality, one that we cannot possibly get to physically. Otherwise my grandpa would've taken me to heaven now. He was cool like that.

I didn't mean litteraly, I was just over emphazising my point that he was trying to make my belief seem stupid, while his sounded just as stupid. And I do believe Heaven for Muslims has 5 levels, and you go your go into each depending on good you are, and an early diagram of that, was just a drawing of Earth into 5 layers.
1,523 posts


Seriously, no one will probably pay attention to this post, but it's worth a try anyway:

Basically, no matter what is said, this thread will go on forever. As long as there are people that support an idea, there will be people who are against it. People are entilted to their own belifs, and they always have been. Contless arguements have been made about religion, and very few have been solved. There will always be people who are christian and there will always be people who are atheist. It is pretty much a never ending debate. No matter what side introduces, there will always be different ideas, therefore there will always be arguements. This thread is basically a supporter of those areguments, and I wouln't be surprised to see the debate still going on 6 months for now. Bottom line, there will never be no definate 'better' religion, because there will always be people supporting and argueing for their chosen belifs.

End of Story.

259 posts

ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh *cough* no

Ever Heard of the Hubble Telescope
1,455 posts

[quote]I didn't mean litteraly, I was just over emphazising my point that he was trying to make my belief seem stupid, while his sounded just as stupid.quote]
Oh, in that case, nevermind. Rereading that post you quoted, I see what you mean. I wasn't trying to add insult either, just defend my own. And I meant the cartoons thing as a friendly joke, not an insult. Just in case I offended you too, I didn't mean to.

4,871 posts

Ever Heard of the Hubble Telescope

Dude, we've seen wayyyy out but the universe is expanding (if you believe in the big bang) at a speed so fast it ridiculous, I'd bet we haven't even seen 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of the universe.
1,455 posts

F***, my quotes messed up! I think you can see where the right part is, but EPIC FAIL... to myself

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