Now, atheism is insanity. There is no proof for evolution, it's just a theory made by people that don't WANT to believe that God is real. There IS proof for creationism. (yes, that is a word.) The rather old scrolls that were found hidden, and translated into the book(s) we have today known as the Bible. But that isn't the only proof. Now this isn't very scientific of me, but MY proof is proving evolution wrong. I'm actually going to make a speech on this later this year, but take a moment and look around. Look at your computer, look out the window at the plants, (if you have any, my backyard is a wasteland, living in AZ and all) look at yourself. HOW can you say an explosion made all of that? (or at least the materials that made it) Last I checked, when you blow up a car engine, you don't get a Mustang. Explosions don't create things, they destroy. Forgive me for the long reply but I need to go on. There have been found no evidence that we come from monkies. There are no missing links. And what was found, was discovered to be a deformed ape head. Now, looking from an evolutionists view, you know when you see pictures of what that apeman probably looked like? Those are lies. What they do is get an evolutionist and an artist. The artist gets a skull and begins panting an apeman. "Make that nose more like a monkies, give him bigger eyes..." The evolutionist directs the artist to make the picture look the way he wants it. Not very scientific, is it? What about fossilization? Takes millions of years, right? What about the pair of pliers that was found fossilized? Or the "cowboy" hat? I don't think cavemen had pliers or cowboy hats. Or the waterwheel? Cavemen were retarded, right? Apparently not.
I'm done with evolution but I want to explain to the best of my ability the very existence of God.
I don't think God is truly perfect, but he's probably the closest thing
By now that's probably an old quote, but I have to say he IS the perfect being. That's the most shocking thing I've read all day. God created everything. How can the guy that made you, and me, and everyone else NOT be perfect. Okay, so humanity isn't perfect, but that's because of WAAAY back in the Garden of Eden, when humans blatantly disobeyed God. Read Genesis, study it, don't just read it, and you'll understand. Now I know atheists like using the Bible against us Christians (well...I'm actually Judeo-Christian) so I'm going to say don't. Don't take the Bible out of content. All the brutal things it says, it says for a reason. You can deny that God exists, but even evolutionists don't believe evolution. (at least some) You KNOW God exists. And if you wish...I don't reccomend it, but if you REALLY want to see for yourself, you can wait. All you can do, other than believe, is wait. The proof will come either with your death or the end of the world. Whichever comes first. (Though I honestly believe the end will be first.)
This may be shocking to you but there are no contradictions in the Bible, contrary to popular belief. Whether it has to be me or the Pope, just ask a Christian about a contradiction and we'll be able to tell you how it ISN'T a contradiction.
If you actually read this entire thing, please don't just throw it away and continue what you're doing. Study for yourself, don't just assume. But I have to go now.