ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
1,059 posts

your right i am being predatorial so ill stop but can you stop calling my religion bull or i will be forced to ask a mod to warn you

4,005 posts

Your religion IS bull. If you don't want to hear it then perhaps you should really look into WHY it's bull. Let me give you just a few reasons:

1. No supporting evidence. Not only a little, not some. None.

2. Mountains of contradicting evidence. Every single time a religion has made a claim about something which can be observed, tested, and verified, it has been proven wrong. That tells me, and anyone with the capacity for logical thought, that the books purporting these things is inaccurate.

3. Contradictions, fallacies, and deliberate ambiguity within the 'holy texts'. Each religion's 'holy texts' contain mountains of each of these. Again, a logical conclusion is that a book which claims to be true, yet is disproved in every area it can be, and which is contradictory, based on fallacious logic, and is deliberately ambiguous is quite obviously not accurate.

3,085 posts

You gotta admit - MR and Mage have got you there (Good to see you're back MR).

I can even give you a link to a website that points out a number of flaws in the bible.

Here you go.

1,573 posts

can you stop calling my religion bull or i will be forced to ask a mod to warn you

Did you just stamp your foot and say "I will tell because you say stuff I dont like"?

In our honest opinion, your belief is more than bull, its lies, hipocracy, fearmongering, MONEY MAKING, child touching, war starting bullshmit that needs to be challenged. If you dont like someone saying your religion is bull then you shouldnt be debating.

Looking at your last few posts on this topic I can see you clearly hold a rose tinted view of your religion and seem to believe there are no "loopholes" i.e. you read it wanting to believe there is nothing wrong with the book. Step back and take a look at your own views, challenge your own views and then if you still believe you might not mind that someone else thinks its bull.
1,573 posts

millions of ppl r atheist but about 5 billion r religious so if what u say is so right then why do billions of ppl prefer rellgion?

How do you know they &quotrefer" religion. Also are you aware that they all follow many different religions which either contradict each other or fight among themselves about whose version of god is right.

Now that doesnt sound like loads of religious people vs a small amount of non believers. It sounds like lots of religious people saying they are right and some non believers saying none of them are right.

So who is right? Is your religion right over everyone else on this earth. Does that mean the millions of hindu's are wrong and you are right. How about the jews or muslims? (sorry Im assuming your from one of the christian cults because usually its the christians that get quite heated on the forums about someone saying something they dont like) Looks like your "5 billion" is getting somewhat smaller.

Your religion is a load of lies.
3,085 posts

Heh, I love how he points out that 5 billion people are religious. He doesn't point out that no religion has the majority sway - everybody has a different religion and different denomination within that religion.

3,817 posts

"Damb" It always seems like I miss all the conversations...

Heh, I love how he points out that 5 billion people are religious. He doesn't point out that no religion has the majority sway - everybody has a different religion and different denomination within that religion.

He also forgot to mention that the majority of the world once thought that diseases were evil demons and that the sun revolved around the earth...
1,584 posts

Im christian but i belive in a big bang not really we evolved from apes but humans have no matter in religion just wat you believe.

9,462 posts

He also forgot to mention that the majority of the world once thought that diseases were evil demons and that the sun revolved around the earth...

Again thanks to what's in the Bible.

Im christian but i belive in a big bang not really we evolved from apes but humans have no matter in religion just wat you believe.

I'm not exactly sure what your saying.
641 posts

i have a question for the atheists, do you whole heartedly think that there is no meaning to this life. or is there a small part, thats like "there could be, but its just not probable"

3,085 posts

Meh, we're just a random result of trillions of random results. A meaning to life is what each person gives it.

9,462 posts

i have a question for the atheists, do you whole heartedly think that there is no meaning to this life. or is there a small part, thats like "there could be, but its just not probable"

I think there is meaning to this life. Having meaning in life doesn't require God. In fact I found life more meaningful after becoming an atheist.
3,817 posts

"Meaning of life"? We are not some tool designated to preform a specific function. You may give yourself a purpose, if you wish for one.Life is just lucky chemicals that came together...

9,462 posts
4,005 posts

i have a question for the atheists, do you whole heartedly think that there is no meaning to this life. or is there a small part, thats like "there could be, but its just not probable"

I do think that there is a meaning to life, and that is that we ascribe to our lives whatever meaning we wish. Is there meaning to life for apes? Not any supernatural one, they live and experience things and, usually, pass on their genetic information, then they die. That's what we do.

In fact, I would contend that there is MORE meaning to my life as an atheist than there ever was when I was religious. The reasoning for this is that my religion taught that this life was a very short, temporary existence, and then we spend eternity in a celestial Club Med.

In that view there is no meaning to this life. With an eternal afterlife world view the only meaning for our lives on earth is to die so we can go to paradise, and try not to do anything which won't be forgiven by our particular brand of sky fairy. There is no need for accountability or goodness in this life with such a view.

As an atheist I don't have a forgiving deity to whom I can appeal when I mess up, I don't have an eternal afterlife of paradise, and I don't get any second chances. I have this one life, and it is very, very short, and to me that is beautiful. I get one go 'round to do as much, learn as much, help as much, and enjoy as much as I possibly can, because when I die all that is left of me is worm food and memories in the minds of those who I interacted with. What more incentive could one have to be moral, kind, and forgiving than to realize that this is all there is?
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