Hello I can not Log in ;( I use the Password that I use on your Homepage, I will save my Game in Cursed 2. And can I save it? I play all times without a Account. I saved the Password so I only copy it from my txt. File. I am now 17.
Well Dracken, you're logged in right now to post on our forum. When you go to Cursed Treasure 2, it may ask you to log in again. You just put the same login/password you used to log into our website, then you can have access to online saves.
You can also keep saving locally, just be sure not to clear your browser data.
I'm not familiar with these programs that save your passwords. Just a question: do you use this method when you log into your account in the Homepage? Because it seems you don't have any issue with that.
First thing I can think of: could you try to type it manually to see if it works?
Yeah sure its Firefox, This is a Screen from my safed Passwords in Firefox. Its German but easy to understand for english users. "Passwort kopieren" = "assword copy" and I can "Clear" my Password if I change the HTML.... to complex xD wait I make a screen...with a example.
THIS IS NOT! my original Password, I show you a example to explain it. I try this but it don't work.
I'm not quite sure what would cause this, could you tell me what letters/symbols/characters it uses to randomize your password? I wonder if it could be one of those.
If all else fails, you can change your password to something temporary and e-mail to me so I can check it out. Ferret@ArmorGames.com, and I can test it directly.
I open the Game and I are Logged In... don't know why. I press Log Out and now he say again don't work xD So my password was: 2,5*3=Fünfzehn (fünfzehn=Thirteen) Its Mathematic with my own Answer in Word. Its a good Way to make a 100% Safe Password. I change it now to a Word with letters like "Call73"
So my new Easy Password work....
The Game dont accept my old Safe Password... the Forum accept it. I think the Developers Should add all UTF-8 Codecs to the In-game Login. ä, ö, ü, ô,û,ú,ù,ó,ò, â,á,à All Special letters.
///*** I hope you all understand me I am German and I know that I put the Words some times on the wrong place, its "German English" much Germans make this error ****\\\\\\