In the last few months the number of people (users and guests) who play Colony has declined drastically. Recently some formar players have started to come back and play Colony once again; Not enough people though! This is the reason I am hosting a Colony reunion/revival day. This day, date uncertain, is a day for formar players to come back and play a few games together; hopefully some will get hooked again and play on a regular basis once again.
This project is still in the idea stage so let me know what you think. I can't do this alone and I'm going to need some help. Feel free to leave advice, comments or questions.
Pretty sure all the good people quit The game I think is buggy too but im not sure about that since i havent even looked at it gl with this if you are still trying to make it work out
what we really should've done all those years ago was make a giant skype group or something with all the colony pros so we could keep in touch. these days im studying chemistry in university and mostly playing league and csgo. i was in elementary school when i first played colony... as incredible as it would be to actually have some pro 2v2s going again, i would be satisfied just knowing how people are doing today and what they're up to.