when i'm playing ANY mmon games, I cann't see or comment. on the place of comments is a small window (frame) saying : "Unable to resolve the server's DNS address." I refresh the page still same, refreshing frame still same.
You can post on the forums though? Very strange. Are you at home or school? Have you tried a different browser? Does our main homepage do this for you?
i mean this: can not comment on mmo games [IMG]http://i39.tinypic.com/2dr8e29.png[/IMG] but can on "normal" (other) games [IMG]http://i41.tinypic.com/2zix0sg.png[/IMG]
I'm thinking the poster could manually add their own DNS servers of choice, no? I'm a little reluctant to explain how to though, maybe it shouldn't be messed with if you don't know how to get there. Suffice to say Namebench is a little program that can help you pinpoint best DNS servers for you, and you'd need to adjust it under your network settings, and/or in your router (broadband "modem".) You'll find how-to's on the web; Namebench itself has documentation online. Again: handle with caution if you don't know what you're doing, and note down anything you're gonna change, so you can change it back if it doesn't work as intended. (Note running Namebench as such won't change anything to your system, it's just a test program. Any changes you'll then have to make manually, so it's safe to run as such.)
However, I was thinking maybe it's those game makers' servers that don't respond correctly, but checking now, I think those comments are just at ArmorGames, right? Everything loads alright at my end. You shouldn't be getting any unresolved DNS notifications there I don't think; in which case indeed I'd contact your ISP (internet service provider) about it, to ask them what's up. You'd think it is indeed they who have something misconfigured.
So see if you can get them to fix it at their end, and then whether to stick to their DNS servers (safest bet no doubt if you don't know how to alter it, or what we're even babbling about. You'd need to do nothing, this would normally all be set for you automatically) or to add your own would be up to you.
... ps.,Or something may indeed be misconfigured between your machine and your ISP, of course. Again, contact their techie helpdesk folks (hopefully responsive!) about it, and they should be able to instruct you how to make sure everything's alright at your end.
(Or, of course, just play the game and leave out the comments )
(Note running Namebench as such won't change anything to your system, it's just a test program. Any changes you'll then have to make manually, so it's safe to run as such.)
Its results however will be meaningless to you if, well, you don't know what they mean to begin with.
Again, let me not advise users to start goofing around with settings they don't understand. Lest you end up from the frying pan and into the fire, and all that.
my internet connection is 1mb/ps 120kb/per sec download. it worked well before, like 3-4 months ago, but since than it has stopped working
Hmm, only 1 MBPS? This isn't really fast. I have 10 MBPS. Maybe your Internet connection is just not fast enough? But I'll admit it, this is weird. Maybe your Internet service provider was having technical problems this day, maybe if you try again later it'll work? Because this happened to me one day, approximately two hours with a very slow Internet.