is there a search function for the forums if there is i don't see it. that would be nice to have. the second is about the banner ads that border the flash games. directly above and below them to be more precise. any way you guys could rearrange these or something? most of them use the flashplayers rendering feature as well and they create a large amount of lag at times. it really depends on the ad/ads but it is very noticeable when it is running duo on 2 demanding ones and then the game as well.
Search function = no^^ About the ads... well, you can adress that to an admin, Ferret would be a good choice --> [url=[/url]
is there a search function for the forums if there is i don't see it. that would be nice to have.
why you would want to search for forums specifically beats me. on the other hand the forum games is nice.
the second is about the banner ads that border the flash games.
I don't think this will ever change...advertisement never goes once its here. but the adds ARE a problem I would agree that they are dumb and should not be on a flash game website.