ForumsGame WalkthroughsBowja the Ninja 2 *Full Walk-through*

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*Click on plane and you will fly behind a train.
*Click on the very last guy to land the plane on the train and take care of three enemies.
*Now click the guy right on front of you to hit him wiht an arrow, knocking him off the train.
*Now you should see one guy, and further down the train, an red antennae sticking up. Shoot that with the arrow to get the guy to walk over there.
*Now click on the missile looking thing right in front of you. You will jump on it and the guy will fling off the train. Be quick or the guy will fix the antennae and you will miss your chance and have to do it again.
*Click on the middle of the train where the guy was orignally standing. You will jump down, run over and disconnect the train.
*There will be a cutscene where the train comes to a stop and the ninja rides out on a motorcycle.


*Click on the skull sign and you will ride across and jump the gap.
*Click on the search light to shoot it and angle it down.
*Now click the water beneath the bridge and you will swim across unseen.
*Looking at the tower you will see a series of signs. Saying AII, CIII, and BI. As in A2, C3, and B1. Remember these combinations. I'm not sure if it's random or not.
*Click the tower to climb up to the control room, where you have to put the code in to turn the ligh off. The signs on the tower is the code.
*Click the bridge and you will run across and hop on your motorcycle.
*Click on the ladder that is right next to your bike.
*Then click the lever to unlock the platform.
*Now click the wheel in the middle and the platform will drop.
*Climb back down and you will ride across.
*Click the telephone tower that's right infront of you to knock it over.
*Then click the pipe that runs up by the windows.
*Click on the bridge you made and you will ride your bike over it.


*Now you will see some mechanical monster that keeps roaring and scaring the heck out of you. You have to hurry on this part.
*Click the ladder and climb up. Do it right after he roars so you have enough time.
*Now click on the lever that is on the other side. This will bring down the ladder, making a platform.
*Click on your bike and he will drive the bike up and jump off, causing the bike to go in the monster's mouth. Thus, blowing him up.
*Click the platform to walk across and two guards will come out of the door beneath you.
*Shoot the gaurd to the left(the one facing the water), and he will fall in causing the other guard to run over there.
*Shoot him and they will both be in the water.
*Click on the bottom platform below you and you will drop down.
*Click the little box that is right behind you and you will open it to discover a grapple hook.
*Click the platform above that you were on before and he will grapple it and pull himself up.
*Then grapple the one above and you will pull yourself up and see some fat evil guy.


*Grapple up another platform.
*Once again grapple the platform above to stand behind the fat guy.
*You have to do this next part really quickly.
*As soon as you get on the platform with the guy, shoot the sattelite dish. Causing the guy to stumble down the stairs. Now quickly shoot him to make him stumble to the edge and the shoot again to knock him off.
*Now click on the box near where the guy fell.
*You will see three circles on the right and three on the left. Also you will see paths coming from each one on the right to each on on the left.
*Follow the paths and match up the shape to whichever circle the path leads to. Be aware that the grooves in the shapes have to match too.
*Now click on the lever, causing the satellite dish to fall. Then you will be chased by a plane and get knocked off of a bridge into some water. Your guy will swim over and climb on the platform.


*Click the ladder to the right and you will swim across and climb to the top.
*Now click the lever at the bottom and you will swim down and pull it, causing a passage on the other side, and a small fish will swim out.
*Click on the fish and you will shoot and kill it. The shark will then come by and eat it.
*Now click the passgae where the fish swam out from and you will swim down it and to the other side.
*Pull the lever below you to open another passage.
*Click the passageway and swim through.
*Pull the lever three times and then pull the wheel. The current will take you back to the original place.
*Quickly click the whell to turn it and then the water will take you back, but there will be an opening now.
*Pull the lever three times once again and then pull the wheel. The current will take you up and through the opening.
*Click the box below to and you will zoom in and see that it is locked and says "machine" on it. Looking around you can see the letters set equal to a number.
*Click on the circles at the top corresponding to the word machine. So if M=5, then click the 5th circle first, and then A and so-on.(If it's the same order it should be 5, 2, 3, 7, 1, 4, 6.)
*It will send you back again into the opening.
*Pull the lever until that path is blocked off, and then click ovee where the original path is and swim through.
*Once back in the original passageway, pull the lever to open the orignal path.(Back to where the shark was.)
*Click up the to swim up and out.
*Now pull the wheel and the ladder will come down.
*Click on the boat-plane to go across.


*Another monster will pop up and keep knocking you off the plane.
*Click on the small bolt thing connecting his right leg.
*The you will swim over and spin both of them causing him to loose the parts of his leg.
*Do the same thing again for the next to parts.
*Click the plane and you will fly it into his eye, making an opening in his eye.
*Click the opening and you will go inside and screw around with it until it "dies".
*Then a cut-scene of you flying away, and your all done.

Let me know if you liked it.

  • 19 Replies
3 posts

Thx alot really helped me out. u is pretty kool.

658 posts

that was a great help thanks

2 posts

i really think you should do a escape the bathroom walkthrough expect a video one and this one really did a lot i got confused though when it came to the part when it was the letters and numbers so idk but it helped challenge for you now hahahahah

2 posts


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